Umbridge's Discovery

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When Umbridge comes home from work, she discovers that all the closets and bathrooms are filled with shaving cream. Naturally, she does have suspects.

Umbridge: Why is there shaving cream all over the place?!

Sidious: I do not know, Madame Umbridge.

Umbridge: It's possible that either Peeves, Potter, or Weasely could have done it!!

Sidious: That is very possible, and I bet Peeves did it.

Voldemort comes in and starts kissing his girlfriend, Umbridge, in front of Darth Sidious

Voldemort: Hello, my little sunshine. What is going on in here

Umbridge: Someone put shaving cream in all the bathrooms and closets!

Voldemort: When I find out who did this, sweetheart, they will be very sorry they did this.

Umbridge: You don't have to do this for me, sweetie. I can handle it myself.

Voldemort: Of course. I don't have to, but I like doing thing for you. Please.

Umbridge: All right, you can do that for me, but please take Darth Sidious with you because you two are very powerful together.

Voldemort and Sidious: Ok.  

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