Short story 1

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This is something I wrote for Language Arts class and felt like sharing. Everything is my own creation. I might turn it into a longer book later on. If you want to use anything from here please just let me know. I don't mind you using my ideas I just want to be able to read them.


"Hey, Fire!" Fire heard her younger sister, Sky, call. She had silver hair and icy blue eyes. Her pale skin blended perfectly into her silver hair. Moonbeam. That was her nickname. She shone in the moon like a ray of light. She was in her battle armor. Metal spikes on her shoulders, a silver chest plate that went around her neck, metallic leather gloves. Fur lined the top of her leather skirt.

"Hey, Sky," Fire responded. Fire had bright red hair that fades into orange at the bottom. Her eyes are golden yellow suns, blending well with my olive skin. Sunray. She was called.

Sky hurries up to her sister, metal boots clicking atop the cold wooden floors. Her guards scurrying to catch up. Their mother, The Queen, had summoned them. "Why do you think mom summoned us?" Sky questioned.

"Who knows. Probably something stupid," Fire replied.

"Hey! Don't call mom stupid!" she shouted, ice crystals forming in the air around her.

"I didn't. But you need to calm down. You could accidentally kill everyone here if you let your temper fly!" Fire heard her voice start to rise. The tips of her hair started to burn, flickering back and forth like flames.

"Well so can you! Ravenchest!" Sky cried then turned around and crossed her arms.

"Ravenchest?" echoed Fire.

"For your armor. It looks like a ravens head. The chest plate does at least."

"Rude! Hmph."

They glared at each other, sparks rising from Fire's hair and ice crystals forming around Sky's fingertips.

Fire spun around and stalked to their mother's door at the end of the hallway thoroughly done with her sister. Her footsteps echoing after her.

Sky and Fire crowded around their mother's bedside next to three maids.

"Mother, please!" Sky cried. Gripping her mother's hand, tears leaking down her pale milky skin to land on the tiled floor beneath. "Please! Don't go! I need you. What will we do without you?"

"Sh. It is my time. I trust the two of you to lead well, my daughters," The queen spoke.

Fire choked back a sob. She leaned over the side of the bed to rest her forehead on her mother's stomach, over the pale golden covers. The queen reached out and placed a hand on her daughter's head, brushing her frail thin fingers through dark red hair.

"You will lead well, I believe in you. But I must warn you,"

"Sh, Your Majesty, please, save your breath!" One of the maids cried. Her hand tangled in the closed curtains, casting a dim glow around the room. The only light coming from the dimmed chandelier above.

"No, listen" The queen rasped. "Calsandra. Be careful of her. She must not kno, she mus, she..." The queen trailed off. Her vice fading and the light leaving her eyes.

"NO!" A wail echoed around the room, rising as the queen fell.

Sky and Fire stood side by side staring out across their army. Their faces struck with grief.

Fire took a deep breath, "The queen is dead!" Her voice echoed around the courtyard. The silence that followed was deafening.

Sky opened her mouth to continue but was interrupted by a warrior.

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