fourth one shot

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Being the daughter of a military General was never easy. Just like my older brother, I was expected to join the army. My brother already joined but I'm still too young, but once I'm eighteen I will become a soldier. I've been training since I was little. My mom died in childbirth so my dad had to take me to the base with him. All the soldiers are like family to me there all protective as well. But since I move a lot I don't have any friends my age.

At the moment we had stopped a school bus as my dad had ordered for all busses to be checked. Me and my brother walked on and I stood next to him with my hands behind my back and back straight and head up, Just like I have been taught. I looked around and saw it was only girls so I assume it's an all-girls school. My dad looked back at me.

"Y/N, come over here." He ordered. I walked over to him and he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Help James search the left side of the bus" then he turned to my brother.

"Kyle, get someone else to take your place and come help me with the right side." My brother did so and walked over, he nudged me slightly and smiled and I smiled back. James and Kyle were best friends. Kyle was my big brother and extremely protective but James wasn't far off with how protective he was, he has always seen me as a little sister.

I started helping James, by looking threw bags and stuff. I mainly had to do it because girls had girly products so my dad had told them if they had any to tell the soldier and I will look threw it. I had to change onto my dad's side a few times.

Once it was done we walked off and went back to base to train for a bit. I git tired and my brother saw I needed a break so he tuned to dad.

"Dad, Y/N needs a break. Should we go shop and grab everyone a drink?" my dad turned to him then looked at me and back to Kyle.

"Yeah, we will meet you both there." We nodded and took one of the cars. We walked into the shop and brought all the guys drinks and walked out. Some girls looked over and one girl with curly brown hair walked over to us.

"Wow, shiny" she said as she looked at my brothers medals, I giggled and Kyle smiled. He took one of them off.

"You want to hold one?" he asked her, she smiled and nodded so he gave it to her. She started asking a bunch of questions which he happily answered. Erin and David looked over. I laughed and left my brother to talk to the girl while I walked away on my phone. David walked up to me slightly.

"Hey, do you have a lighter?" I looked up and shook my head.

"But my brother does." I said as I looked behind me.

"Kyle! Can I borrow your lighter?" he nodded and took it out his pocket and threw it at me. I passed it to David and he grabbed a fag out. He held the box out to me and I took one. He gave me the lighter back and I lit the fag he gave me. After he took it out his mouth he turned to me again.

"So is your brother visiting?" he asked. I shook my head. And all the girls listened, well except for the one talking to my brother.

"No, my dad's a General and my mom died in child birth, he didn't want to leave me with any family members cause he wouldn't get to see me so he took me with him and my brother, I'm trained from a young age so I can join the army when I turn eighteen." I told them. David looked shocked.

"Do you have any friends your age" he asked trying to make it sound less mean and I giggled and put my hand on his arm.

"Don't worry. And no I don't. I'm always travelling so I don't get the chance to make friends though if I did, dad says I could always visit but everyone is scared of the boys so they don't talk to me." I said smiling at him. He smiled back and put his arm around my shoulders.

David donnelly one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now