Chapter 19

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Two weeks later

I was finally going to be able to bring little Hugo home. I went to the lab and arrived just in time. They gave me a blue antibacterial suit and gloves and a mask. I was taken to his bubble and I saw how the bubble just popped. All of the water leaking out onto the synthetic bubble.  Hugo was now crying and the doctors were struggling in getting him out of the big bubble. But eventually, they got him out and handed him to me. He looked so happy and I was too.

I got sent to a wheelchair because they were going to give me anesthesia to get the transportation device out of me. Finally.

After another while, we did more random things and Hugo was fully checked. He has to stay here for another two days.

But he couldn't have breast milk, because I couldn't produce any in the first place.

After those two crucial days in that lab place, I finally got to take Hugo home with me. But obviously I had to be picked up by Stephan and Merjan. They looked very excited when they saw Hugo. I mean, he was gorgeous. He had blue hair but had cold blue gray eyes with soft light skin like Monsieur Noir. But it also reminded me of Felix's light skin and eyes. But everyone has a doppelganger. Or that's what I think.

This precious boy was my son. And so far I loved him. But he had a tired expression. And I understood him.

"Hey Mari, what were your most recent cravings"?

" chocolate and a lot of sweet things. Why"?

"Well, I heard a long time ago that what ever you are during pregnancy, the baby will hate it when born and after. So good luck with him because he's going to be a bitter one".

" Oh shoot".

He was definitely going to remind me of Felix. But I still lived my baby. He needed to be happy no matter what. But I obviously was not going to turn him into a brat.

It made me remember Chloe. What was she doing at this instant. What was Adrien doing now as well. I mean college school days begin in about three days from now. So what was everyone up to.

After a bit of daydreaming, we got home and I was happy because I wanted to sleep. I didn't like that place. Hospitals are way better. But these people have our really good food. I had to admit it. But the blood extractions and that weird stuff was awfully tiring. So I was sleepy and went up to my bedroom. I looked at my clock. 1:08P.m. Good. I could sleep forever.

Felix's pov

It's been such a boring school year and now came the real challenge. College. But this stuff was way to easy. Books give you true education. Not one single person can succeed without picking up a book and reading about the real world. And in my case, I was going to a school of fashion here in France. And I was going to be an intern for cancer assistance. As in being an assistant to the doctors who treat cancer.  Pretty boring but I wasn't allowed to leave the country because my mother didn't want me far away. She may still be mad at me, but she doesn't want me far away. So instead of going to the best school of fashion in the world, I have to stay in France. And because I thought I could also help people, I would help France be the best place to treat cancer. Because if you want something to be the best. I have to be there.

But it's all good. I remembered Marinette saying she had to go to London after her birthday. And now she's dead. So as long as I stay out of her path, I'll stay sane. I mean, her funeral was the worst day ever. Her third day of her death. It was awful, especially because it was ME who killed her. Well more like murdered my only source of happiness. And that made me realize of how stupid and brainless I really was.

Ladybug fully disappeared and there has been not a single akuma after Marinette's death. As if she were Hawkmoth or something. But then she couldn't be. She was just way more than him. But thinking about her now, she's probably flirting with the hottest guys in heaven. I mean, she's the hottest girl this world had to offer. But then again, Ladybug might have not wanted to see me after our big night on patrol.

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