Ty did in fact keep going to hang out with Dusk who had unfortunately seemed to pick up on his crush on Chester. 

"I don't know Dusk" Ty said, sitting on his bed and reading one of his many many comics, "He just doesn't seem to be the type to be into people like me" 

"Oh no you are exactly his type" Dusk said, feeding his pet gecko 'Chicken strip', "he just doesn't wanna admit he likes you" 

"What why?" Ty asked, looking over at Dusk and raising an eyebrow, 

"Well you are like...much younger than him, he doesn't wanna come off as a creep" 

Ty bit his lip. He didn't think Chester was a creep, Chester was actually a pretty respectful guy...most of the time to most people. 

"So...he doesn't want to be that one weird old guy dating a younger dude" 

"Even if the younger dude wants to be banged like a screen door in a hurricane?" Ty asked and Dusk snickered, closing Chicken strips tank and sitting down beside Ty, 

"Dude, just be yourself around him, I'd talk to him about this yea?" 

"Mmm...Fine" Ty said, "long as you talk to Theo" 

"Aaaand I'm going to go get snacks" Dusk said, standing up and leaving the room. Ty giggled at his friend and went back to reading. 

He'd talk to Chester about his feelings. 


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