Tyrion stared at the ceiling, his hands folded on his chest and he hummed to himself slightly. 

Theo walked into the room, raising an eyebrow, "Aren't you supposed to be getting ready to go out with those Thompsons?" 

"Theo my dearest brother, I have simply decided to pass away instead" 

Theo rolled his eyes. Heading across the room and yanking Tyrion off the bed who yelped, glaring up at his brother, 

"The hell was that for?!" 

"It's a hockey game Ty, not the end of the world" 

"You don't know that" 

"Ty, what's so bad about it?" 

"I'm in love with Chester!" Ty blurted and Theo's eyes widened, 

"Isn't he-" 

"trust me, I'm well aware" Ty grumbled and tried to scramble back onto his bed only for Theo to yank him down again. Ty whined, 


"Ty" Theo said firmly and Tyrion sighed, clearly seeing he wouldn't win this one. He stood up and brushed himself down. 

"Fine fine...lemme get ready" 

Theo huffed, leaving Ty's room and Ty bit his lip. Heading to shower quickly before he got dressed, Dusk texting him just as he finished tying his shoes that they were there. 

Ty grabbed his bag and left, calling a goodbye to Theo before heading down to Chester and Dusks car. 

Dusk was in the backseat, smirking a bit and Ty blushed as he got into the front slowly. Chester looked over at him, 

"Ready Ty?" 

"Ready..." Ty said softly and they drove off. Ty just hoped the game wouldn't be awkward. 

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