ITS Time

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It has been weeks since Tucker told me that we were getting married at the end of this month before the baby arrived which was next week and I was completely freaking out we were no where near ready to get married and the closer and closer the day approached us the clearer that became. 

"Mandy? "


Miranda and Tucker's mom called her asking her which type of center pieces and wine would she want at the reception. Knocking her out of her gaze it doesn't matter what ever yall want is fine with me I have to go or I will be late Miranda says as she walks out the door. 

Having Tuckers mom and my mom down have been a nightmare all they talk about is the wedding and what I should do its been so bad that I wouldn't even come home after work I would stay at my house and yes I still have it thank god I still do  because I believe I would die from insanity if I sold it like Tucker wanted me too, but I just couldn't Miranda thought as she walked on the elevator but soon was knocked out of her thoughts when she looks up to see Ben standing in the left back corner it was the first time they have seen each other since the night she told him she was going to give her and tucker another go. When they locked eyes it was like a flush of butterflies hit her she slowly moved to the right back corner of the elevator. 

The last person on the elevator apart from them got off on the 3rd floor leaving just them in the elevator.  As the elevator approached their floors they turn to face each other and slowly walk to one another before anyone could open their mouth the doors opened. It was the General surgeons floor Miranda quickly left while bumping into another doctor congratulating on her wedding next week . As the doors closed Ben and Miranda eyes locked just before he put his head down. 

For the rest of the week  and into the next week all Miranda could do is wish she would run into Ben so she could talk and explain to him well I don't know what I would say to explain  to him , but all I did know that I hated the way he found out  that  Tucker and I are getting married  tomorrow I know that we weren't together and that it had nothing to  with him because I was marrying another man but I just needed to talk to him.  

It was the end of the day I was completely warn out and was ready to get some rest knowing that I wouldn't be getting much sleep tomorrow since it being my wedding in all.  Getting on the elevator Miranda gasps when she looks up as is face to face with Ben. 

"Umm HI Ben" Miranda said nervously backing up a little so they weren't so close how have you been its been a while since we talked. Miranda began to ramble as she did not know what to say to him. She quickly shut up as he walked near backing her into the wall of the elevator knocking the breath out of her as he cuffed her cheek and looked into her eyes. 

Miranda gulped as she pushed out the words Ben "I cant I'm getting married tomorrow" 

"I know" Ben says putting his forehead against hers as he pulls away he gently kisses her forehead and exits the elevator. Miranda releases a deep breath that she had been holding in and exists the elevator and makes her way to her car and drive home. 


*Bleep Bleep Bleep

"ugh" Miranda mutters out as she turns over to stop her alarm it was her wedding day and all she could think about what happened between her and ben in the elevator last night. Miranda's Bedroom door swing wide open knocking her out of her thoughts as she sees her mother and soon to be mother law standing in the frame of her bedroom doors smiling at her. 

"Good Morning  Bride to be"  they both exclaimed rushing over to give Miranda a big hug as they were so excited that the day has finally came that their babies were going to get married. As they planned out how the day was going to go Miranda walked to the bathroom and locked the door so she could escape the conversation as she leaned up against the door she rubbed her belly as she stared at her reflection in the mirror for a good 5 minutes until she jumped in the shower. 

Closer and Closer as the time came stressed Miranda got could she really marry a man she didn't love could she really live  a life of un happiness yes there was a possibility of falling in love with him again later down the rode but was I really ready to  risk  my chance of true happiness for a slight possibility of me finding it again in a man who doesn't support or believe in the goals I have set for my self a man who undermines everything I say and do. 

As Miranda snapped out of her thoughts she realizes that she is at the alter and Tucker is starring at her as he go over his vowels and says I do the pastor looks to Miranda and asks her " Miranda Bailey do you take Tucker Jones to be your Husband to have and to hold". 

Before Miranda could answer the church doors swing open.

"Wait" Deep Voice said walking into the church "Ben?" what are you doing her.... Miranda gets cut off by Ben." Miranda I know this is wrong and I know this is cruel and unfair but Miranda Bailey I LOVE YOU and I would have never forgave my self if I just let you get married without telling you how I feel. The moment I met you and our eyes locked I felt an instant connection , but I knew that I couldn't pursue it because I  was your boss and you were my fellow but seeing you everyday and talking to you everyday became the one thing I would look forward to each day I woke up for work. The days I was off all I could think about was getting back to work to see your beautiful face . The day we ran into each other at the mall was one of the best and worst days of my life seeing you and getting to know you outside of work was everything to me at that moment I didn't care that I was your boss all I knew was that I was falling hard for you and that I wanted to take you on a date.  So I asked you and you told me you would want nothing more than for me to take you out on a date, but  that your life was really crazy and you didn't want me to have to be in the middle of that. Soon you realized that I didn't care about all the craziness that was going on around us when I kissed you and told you that I wanted to see where we would go. Even though that was one of the best days of my life it was the worst as well because you told me that you owed it to Tucker and baby to try to make it work because it was the right thing to do so even though I respected and understood it  didn't make it easier that I was loosing you so when I heard you were getting married today I knew I had to tell you that IM IN LOVE WITH YOU! and I believe that you are in love with me too. So I came in here tonight to see if there's a chance you want to be with me instead. 

As Ben finished the whole churched stared back at Miranda waiting to see what she was going to do. Miranda looked at Tucker and back at Ben as she gasped and looked down muttering the words.


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