crying witch

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It has been 4 months since the battle, and all Hermione Granger could do was remind herself of it everyday.

She lost so many dear to her.
Her parents, Fred, Remus, Tonks and Ron.
This was not the way she planned for things to go, she wanted to go back to her parents, start a career and eventually a family with Ronald, but she couldn't find the courage to bring her parents memories back, 'so much for being a Gryffindor' she thought.
She found out her mother was pregnant, they looked really happy and she didn't want to ruin that so she just left them.

She planned to get together with Ron, get married and start a family but he is gone and she can never get him back.
He was killed by one of the death eaters.

She didn't know what to do with her life, she doesn't have a job, she doesn't  have a love life and doesn't even have her own home.
She is living with severus snape until she can get off her feet, but she doesn't know when that will be.

She was surprised to hear that severus was still alive, harry went back to his body and found him still breathing.

After he was out of the hospital he went to thank Harry and found Hermione living with him and Ginny.
She was trying to find somewhere to go so she wont be a bother to them.
She faked a smile everyday staying there so they wouldn't have to worry about her.
She rented a motel but for some reason severus snape didn't think it was right for her to live on her own, so he asked her to be her roommate.

She mostly stayed in her room or in the library, but tonight she needed a change of scenery so she went to the living room with the fire place burning.

The pain was to much for her to hide now.
She cried, thinking of everybody she has lost and the things that she wont ever be able to do. It felt like a water fall coming down her face, her heart was breaking even more.

She was sobbing louder then she thought because she could hear foot steps behind her, she turns and sees a concerned severus.

"Hermione, what's wrong?"

She quickly wipes away her tears with her sleeve.

"Nothing much, just a little stress" she says with a smile trying to show she is alright, but severus knows better.

He sits on the couch next to her enjoying the warmth of the fire.
"You cant lie to me" he says waiting for her to admit what is wrong with her.

She tries to hold the tears back as much as she could, but a few spilled out, she turned her head a bit so he wont be able to see.

"Don't worry about me get some sleep" she says hoping he will leave her alone.

He looks at her, pity in his eyes, he knows pity is the last thing she wants but he cant help it. "I did the same thing".

She wiped away the few tears and looked at him, "what?".

"Your trying to hide your emotions from others, you feel like a burden if you don't"

He keeps his eyes on the fire watching its flames dance.
Then he looked her making eye contact.

"But I didn't have a choice, it was my duty. I made a big mistake that lead me to keeping so much pain inside of me.
I couldn't blow my cover so I seemed cold hearted and emotionless"

He did something she thought he would never do, he grabbed her hand holding it in his.

"You have a choice, don't keep it all bottled up inside, let me see your pain Hermione.
I know you lost people you care so much about, but they wouldn't want you to do this"

She squeezed his hand, looking at his hand holding hers.

She was going to burst, she kept it inside long enough, he was right they would not want this, they would want her to get off her feet and live her life.

"Y-your right"
She cries, tears finally coming down.

Severus gets closer to her not letting go of her hand, just holding her body against his rocking her back and forth for comfort.
He didn't care that there was a big wet spot on his shirt from her tears, he didn't care that she was holding him tight, he just wanted her to be comfortable around him

about 20 minutes later she calmed down.
She sat up next to severus, there legs touching each other.
She wiped her face with her sleeve so it wouldn't be so wet.

"Thank you severus"
She looks him in the eyes so he knows she means it, in return he gives a little smile.

There is a moment of silence and severus decides to break it.

"Lets get you laid down, your obviously tired"
He gets off the couch and grabs hermione's hand leading her to her bedroom.
When they get there he puts her in bed and turns around ready to leave.

"Don't go"
He heard the pained ach in her voice.
He turns back around.
"Please lay here with me"

He had no choice, he didn't want to hurt her feelings.
He goes to the other side of the bed and goes in the cover laying next to her.

For a little moment it was awkward, they lay there both on their backs staring at the ceiling. "I'm sorry if im making you uncomfortable, I just don't want to be alone" she said hoping it didn't come off to whiny

"Its alright, you deserve some comfort, go to sleep now, you need rest"
Before he could close his eyes he feels a weight one his chest.
Then he notices Hermione is on his chest, one arm around his torso.

He didn't know what to do, should he just lay there and act like nothing is happening or touch her as well.

"Your the only person I have felt safe with in a long time it seems. I'm glad your alive I don't think I could take another person I care about die"
At first he is shocked, shocked that she cared about him, then he feels a smile come to his lips.

"It's alright now Hermione, I'm here and I'll help you when you need it and listen when you want to talk"
He puts his arm around her.

She cuddles him tight, making sure that this is real and not some dream.
Severus leans his head down and kisses her head, making her smile and him sigh in happiness.

"Goodnight severus"
"Goodnight brave Hermione"

Sorry this one shot is short, but I cant think of anything.
Please please please give me some ideas I would really appreciate it!

SSHG One Shots (Severus Snape And Hermione Granger)Where stories live. Discover now