1. Shining Star (part 1)

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(this picture is old, the style I drew the hands is terrible)

(this is the stories how they met and fell in love)

(the first part might be sad)

Author's pov


Star was pushed off the roof and ended up in the hospital, causing one of his to change color, this caused everyone to avoid him.

-current time- (star is currently 14)

The pink haired male sat on the bench all alone, all of his friends left him cause of the accident. The schoolbell rang. telling the students that school was over.

-Star's pov-
I get off the bench and grab my bag from the spot next to me, I put my backpack on and leave. I always have to travel trough the woods to get home, but for me that not a problem.

I'll just ask my parents if I can move schools, they wouldn't care about the reason, as I walked I heard the trees rustle, I stop and look around but I see nothing, I continue walking, thinking it was just the wind.

Out of nowhere my backpack gets ripped off my back, I turn around but I don't see anything 'great, now I don't have my phone anymore' I turn back to see two figures in front of me.

They look like wolves but it doesn't seem right, they have multiple tails. They both walk up to me,one of them holding my backpack. I assume they're brothers or friends

One if them has black hair with blue tips, his whole outfit was the same color, probably for camouflage, a black with blue kitsune mask that hid part of his face

The other one has dark gold with pink tips, his outfit was also the same color and he also has a kitsune mask that matches his colors too

Both of them have a kimono, a dark skin color and both thier eyes are as mismatched as mine.

"can I have my bag back?" I ask carefully, one of them growls "can you give us some food?" I nod and take them home with me.

-time skip-

I make sure mom and dad wouldn't notice them and led them into my room "stay here while I get you food"

I rush downstairs and walk into the kitchen, I quickly make some food and go upstairs again, to my surprise they didn't move.

I give them the food and give them my warmest smile, while they eat there's an awkward silence, so I'll just wait till they finish

As soon as they finish their food they thank me and give me my bag back "wait, before you go, who are you?" they take off thier masks "I'm Zero, and this is my twin brother riku"

"b-but you don't look much alike" I back away as soon as one of them gets closer to me "it doesn't work the same way with our species" I nod and we say our goodbye.

-tiny time skip-

Today we have new students at school, I'm just scared they might bully me too, I enter the classroom and sit down at me desk.

Not long after the teacher walks in and tells everyone to be quiet "today we have two new students" to my surprise it where the two guys from before.

I zoned out during thier introduction thinking about why they would be here. my thoughts where interrupted when a bucket of water was dumped on me.

Riku's pov

In the middle of the introduction everyone started laughing, it turns out theyre bullying the neko that helped us yesterday.

This makes me realize 'we forgot to ask him for his name' I sigh feeling stupid for not asking. The teacher gives the boy a towel and tells the other kids to be quiet.

The teacher tells us where to sit and to my annoyance, I can't sit with zero but instead I'm next to the neko boy "hey I forgot to ask but what's your name?"

"star" i smile at him "that's a nice name" he blushes and turns away

-time skip to about 1 year later-

Author's pov

The pink haired male became close with the kitsune twins, and even made a new friend, what he didnt knows was that two of the males he befriended fell in love with him

Star's pov

Hanging out with zero, riku and Jake was never boring, but I noticed that zero treated me diffrent then the other two.

I know zero is serious about everything, so he probably didn't fall in love with me,but he doesn't hate me either.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a hand on my shoulder "are you alright?" I nod at Jake and smiled "hey star.. I want to ask you something in privat, so can you meet me at the hill after dinner" I smile at him "sure"

Zero's pov

I just listens to their conversations when suddenly, riku let out a soft growl but only I noticed, riku didn't seem very happy about it.

It felt like this was going to go really wrong but riku faked a smile and just talked to them.

-time skip-

Star's pov

I walked to the spot I promised, I kinda hoped it was a love confession, I froze in fear when I saw Jake lying on the ground with a sword on his stomac.

"'s-star" I kneeled down and tried to remove it "d-don't, I'll die anyway, b-but please remember that, I love you" he carefully rubbed his thumb over my cheeks and then he let his body fall and he died.

Author's pov

Tears started to fall just like the rain started to fall, a sudden figure walked up to him, his eyes where filled with shock, the smaller male looked up at him, the guy was riku, riku realized that the sword in Jake's stomac was one if his.

Riku realized that star's eyes had changed "W-what happend, and what happend to your eye?" star just stayed silent, riku got the sword out of Jake's dead body, suddenly the smaller male noticed that the sword belonged to riku.

Riku's pov

I got down to hug star but I was pushed away harshly "you killed him!?" star's eyes where filled with anger and sadness "I thought I could trust you!" my heart starts to burn but I try to ignore it "I didn't kill him, I just came here because I thought that you would been a couple by now"

Star slapped me in the face "I know you just wanted to be with me, but why kill Jake?" star calmed down but he didn't let it go "I don't want to be with you, and I don't want to be your friend anymore" star got up and left

Author's pov again

Riku just sat there all alone, star's words rang In his ears, a tear slowly fell down to the soft grass, riku couldn't do anything so he just left and went home.

-Tiny time skip-

Riku walked trough the door only to be pushed down "you killed someone for star, Serious? That's not what we do!" the Golden haired male got up and left to his room

To be continued

Welp this kinda sucked, this is my first one shot so I dont know it I did well, welp I hoped you liked it

Have a nice day/night and I'll publish a new chapter as soon as possible

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