Anxious thoughts

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               It's a real thing, man. It creeps up on you from the deep crevices of your mind, scary black holes that suck all the happiness from your soul and leave you barren and tormented by fears and worries. Constantly questioning things, constantly creating false realities for yourself, constantly wondering, "What if?". The worst part is that it's never satisfied with the answers it receives so the questions start piling up, one after another after another... leaving you wondering if anyone even likes you, leaving you consistently noticing every single thing you do, and god forbid that you make a mistake, because if you do, you will dwell on that mistake for the rest of the day and maybe even the rest of the week. Constantly replaying it over and over in your head and nitpicking each and every little tiny thing about what you said or did, wondering how many people noticed. Or, here's the real kicker. When you walk into a place and instantly just feel like everyone's eyes are on you and everyone is judging you for existing. Life isn't easy, and my brain likes to make sure I have it as hard as I possibly can. I've gone through twenty one years of existence, and I'm only now starting to make any sort of sense of things. 

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