Favorite Teachers?

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Teachers become favorite teachers when they make the finest impact in a student's life. A teacher who a student dislikes will not teach the student as much; compared to a teacher they love, which the student may even take on an idolization of their favorite teacher, wanting to act just like them and maybe even dress like them. Being a favorite teacher is much more than the student simply enjoying the subject in which the teacher is teaching. That can be a key part, but a student receives a favorite teacher because the teacher had a large impact and taught the student something important, much more than any lesson could teach. Being a teacher is about making relationships and finding out the best possible way to make a stand and help children who are hurting along with the children who are ready to accomplish the world.

My favorite teachers were in third grade, and in tenth grade. In third grade, my teacher didn't pick favorites. When someone had a problem, she took the time to talk to the student and figure out what was wrong. She made learning fun by taking different approaches every day and turning learning into a game almost. In tenth grade, my favorite teacher was sarcastic and funny. He knew how to teach in a way that always kept our attention, and whenever I had a problem, he would keep me after class and we'd have an almost therapy session. He knew how to help me, and most teachers I had during that age didn't impact me nearly as much as he did.

Society expects teachers to teach their lessons, and the next year forget all the students and move on to the next class. However, students are not just another name in the system. Each student is an individual with emotions and thoughts. Each student learns differently and each student will take a statement differently. Some students are tattletales, others are troublemakers. Some students know how to make all A's without even trying, other students don't know how to make a C without studying for days on end. A class of students cannot be taught simultaneously day by day learning a lesson spoken in a monotonous voice daily. Some may enjoy reading more. Some may enjoy physically doing something more. Some may enjoy watching more. Some students may enjoy listening more. As said previously, no two students are exactly alike. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2020 ⏰

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