Yandere Drider Boyfriend

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Male yandere monster x Male human

The Chase

Your breath was heavy in your lungs like lead was flowing thoroughly in and out, making it more and more challenging to breathe – almost hazardous. It didn't matter in many ways, you usually ended up like this in many ways, trying to run for your life, knowing in the end, it was mostly for fun for the chaser. A hideous game of cat and mouse, endlessly continuing and never wanting to end.

Your feet were trying to lead you through buried tunnels and narrow paths, some you had to crawl prone through whilst others you had to tread lightly. He could hear everything and everything you did, Kalannar was close in trailing quickly behind.

The paths grew narrower, leaving it harder to move and breathe, your own breath getting shallower when you had to crawl through the thick webbing he created for moments like these – the thrill of the chase - he thrived on savouring such joy for the opportunities.

Through the blackness that enveloped you, you turned your head and recoiled at the unknown noises, trying your best to decipher everything. You were convinced you had wandered down the same area, but you were certain it wasn't true. You didn't want to be caught in the same area twice. It meant you were losing.

In the void, something called to you faintly, neither close nor near, the delight drawing from his curled lips as the familiar voice called to you. "Where did you go, pretty boy?"

You scampered like a helpless fawn and bolted through the next few collapsed pathways, struggling on your feet and stumbling into everything. You knew for sure that if you heard him nearby, it meant game over.

Your own whimpers came out through your drying lips the more you grew tired of running and the chase, wanting it to be over and done with whatever he had installed for you. You disobeyed him plenty of times before, and the punishments ended all the same. He was agile to find you and never easy with the penance.

A scamper came from somewhere behind you, the puff of a chilling cold breath on the back of your neck and when you darted your head, you were sure you had seen him. The abyss was playing tricks on you, hearing him nearby and nowhere at all, perhaps even your own sounds for the escape were keeping you from descending into madness.

You couldn't predict that when you turned back that you would collide into the familiar arms of the person you had been running from, his own four human arms of a blue-purple hue skidded you to a complete stop. Your body ran into complete overdrive, but nothing in you compelled you to move nor try and jerk out of his many arms.

"Ah, finally." his voice didn't hold any ire or aggravation for the constant chasing, the curling lips on his handsome face made him look more charming than horrifying when his many red and black eyes stared down on you. "I caught you, pretty boy."

You didn't answer him – no, you never did when it came to these occasions. It irked him greatly when you didn't show the true extent of your fear, but it still gave him satisfaction to hear your frantic heartbeat, the beads of sweat building and dripping down your face.

"Nothing to say then, hmm? That's a shame." One of his hands with long nails came to wipe at your sweaty forehead, almost thoughtfully and fond as a lover, but you knew that his tenderness was never true to him.

You heard his many black hairy spider legs twitch and click as he moved you closer to his face whilst you had been in his arms, recoiling as far back away from him as possible. You knew what would come next thanks to the previous times, and although you silently tried to pull away from him, you knew it would all not mean anything. You accepted this solemnly, going limp in his arms.

Kalannar's lips curled upwards in satisfaction, the glint of his sharpened teeth came into view as they grazed your earlobe affectionately, a snarl coming from his mouth that emitted and echoed loudly in your ear. It rung and rung and your eyes watered either from it or from the acceptance, knowing full well you would never getaway.

You felt his pointed teeth get closer and closer towards the nape of your neck, and you gasped at the cold bite that brought more than just shivers down your spine. It stung and roared with something much worse and vile.

"A shame really," his laughter was melodic and silvery as a winter's chill, "I was really enjoying the chase."

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