Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen


It's official Tucker is not coming back so I triple up on the football training and gym sessions.

I have Robert with me in the gym most of the time, but he only joins me sometimes. Since his ordeal he doesn't push as much but then he is the vice-captain he can't afford to slack.

Of course it could be that I'm obsessed with my workout because Liebenberg is coming to town. They are our next match.

I have been carrying around this news for the past 2 weeks now. I can't even sleep.

Facing my former teammates, my former coaches and representing a new school is putting me on edge.

I am still doing community work along with my dad and going to school but my mind is not all there. "Hey, take it easy." Robert takes the dumbbells from me. "It's just one match."

So he said last time and now here I am on my fourth match. "I never should have let you talk me into this. Now I'm going to tank and my former team -which I used to Captain by the way is going to watch me make a fool out of myself."

"For the umpteenth time, we are not going to tank. We got this - now can you please relax and think of something else."


"I don't know... invite your pending girlfriend Kelly for dinner with Uncle?"


"What?" He gets up the same time I do. "Did something happen between you two? Come to think of it you haven't been saying much. What happened?"

"I don't wanna..." I let out this deep breath I have been holding ever since he brought her up, "She said no okay."

"She doesn't want to be with you or 'no' to something else entirely different."

I go for my towel.

"She's not interested... How am I-, how am I supposed to compete with four other guys?"

"What four other guys?"

"Her crew."

"You mean the crew that skipped town or did you miss that part."

"I was in her room the other day."

"You guys got that far?"

"No, can you just listen."

"Sorry go on. I just assumed."

"We had just brought Nate over."

"Who is Nate?"

"Her nephew. She loves her nephew. Anyways that room was practically a memorabilia for her crew. Everything in there was an homage, a gift, I could even smell them in her room. She clearly isn't over them leaving. She isn't ready nor does she even have room for anyone else. "

"Come on. Did you at least ask her, tell her?"

"Yes and she said nothing, absolutely nothing at all. I think she was surprised I even thought of her that way and I could ever ask." I pause.

"Anyways I have been done. I'm minding my business. It's been 2 weeks."

Robert follows me out of the gym. "You mean you haven't talked to her in 2 weeks?"


He surprises me by shoving me and it's not a brotherly shove. "Hey, what are you doing?"

"It's Kelly Martin's for crying out loud's sake Sonny. You act like the greatest guy one minute and then a complete jerk the next. You're ignoring her?"

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