The King of Fools

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"And now, ladies and gentlemen, the fiesta
Is atoned." Clopin announced, as Sirena climbed the stage with Esmeralda to dance next to him. "Here it is, the moment you've been waiting for. Here it is,  you know exactly what's in store. Now's the time to laugh until our sides get sore. Now's the time we crown the king of Fools!"

"Now you all remember last years king?!" Sirena asked the crowd. A drunk man who was being carried in a chair burped loudly. "So make a face that's horrible and frightening," Sirena started singing joyfully,  before being swung around by Clopin as his carried on the next line.

"Make a face as gruesome as a gargoyle's wing."

"For the face that's ugliest, will be the King of Fools!" Both the Gypsy king and Queen sung in unison as they danced together. "Why?!"


"Come on up here folk, forget your shyness!" Sirena sang as Clopin playfully  spun her around to the center of the stage, and pulled out a wacky jester's crown.

"You could soon be called your highness!" Clopin continued, hugging a hunched over young man, and Esmerelda led him to stand next to the other contestants.

"Be the King of Topsy-Turvy Day!" Sirena handed the hat to Clopin and stood next to Esmeralda to push of the losers. Sirena pulled the first mask off.

"Booooo!" The crowd roared, and Gigi pushed him off the platform into the mud down below. Esmeralda took the mask off the second man, who also failed to get the prize. Djali pushed him off before he and Gigi pushed them all off except for one. Esmeralda tried to take off his mask, but gasped in horror as she realized it wasn't a mask at all. The crowd realized this too,  and word started to spread.

"That's no mask!"

"It's his face!"

"He's hideous!"

"It's the bell ringer from Notre Dame!"

The young man seemed heart broken,  and Sirena could help but feel her own break a little too. Anger started to rise up in her at how these people treated the poor man, as he hadn't done anything wrong.

"Now wait just a minute here!" Sirena shouted, making Clopin really nervous. He had once been on the receiving end of her rath, and he knew how terrifying she could be. Her passion was unlike anything he had ever seen... Unless you counted Frollo,  but even then he wasn't sure if the Judge could take her fury.

"Ladies and Gentleman!  Don't panic,  we asked for the ugliest face in Paris,  and here he is. Quasimodo the Hunchback of Notre Dame!" Clopin proudly yelled as he placed the silly crown on Quasi's head. Sirena calmed down a little, as she joined Esme in the crowd. Clopin put a king's cape onto Quasi, while Sirena handed him the scepter. The two sang together the alternate lines as the crowned Quasimodo.

"Oh, what a king!"

"We've never had a king like this!" Clopin continued, dancing around again like he was slightly nuts. The two kept on singing as they all celebrated

"Topsy-Turvy,  Tospy-Turvy Day!" After the song ended, Sirena returned to her tent to start changing back to her original attire. All was going well, until someone threw a tomato at the Quasimodo. The town's people all gasped at how much uglier he looked.

"Hail to the King!" A guard laughed obnoxiously, as he threw another tomato. More people began to throw food at him,  and he tried to leave. Unfortunately, now they were throwing ropes at him!

"Master!" Quasi desperately shouted out,  catching the attention of two gypsy women. "Master, please! Help me!" Sirena's eyes went wide, and she nodded quickly to Esme. She and Esmeralda raced forwards, and the crowd became silent as the two women approached the bell ringer.

"Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you." Sirena spoke as she knelt down before his tied form. Esmeralda wiped the smashed food of his face, and Sirena untied cut some of the bonds.

"Im sorry. This wasn't supposed to happen." Someone apparently did not agree with their actions.

"You. Gypsy girls." The two turned their heads to find that it was Frollo who had spoken. "Get down at once!"

"Yes, your honor. Just as soon as we free this poor creature." The gypsy queen stated.

"I forbid it!" Frollo warned them. Sirena looked to Esmerelda,  and tapped her feet,  the bells jingling in an odd sort of pattern. Esmerelda nodded, and took out a knife to cut Quasi's bonds. "How dare you defy me!"

"You mistreat this poor boy the same way you mistreat my people!" Sirena yelled at him, her eyes narrowing. 'How has it come to this?' "You speak of justice, and yet you are cruel to those most in need of your help."


"Justice!" Both voices of the gypsy Queen and princess rang out, loud and clear. Esmerelda turned to help Quasimodo while Sirena marched off the side of the platform towards the unhappy judge.

"Mock my words gypsies. You will pay for this insolence."

"Then it appears we've crowned the wrong fool." Esmerelda threw to crown to Sirena,  who caught it and tossed it to Frollo's feet.

"The only fool I see... Is you!" Sirena turned back around, her eyes now ablaze. 'How could the sweet man she once knew have turned so cruel and oblivious to the things before him?' "You don't even remember who I am." She whispered, before running away to who knows where.

"Captain Phebus! Arrest them!"

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