Gypsy Queen

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The next morning, Frollo awoke to the sounds of birds twittering, and the cold draft of an open window. He found himself in bed, rather than on the cold hard floor in front of the large fire place. Frollo yawned, still very tired, before pulling back the covers. He nearly fell out of bed in shock at the sight before him. Beside him, Sirena laid passed out, and his hand he gripped something. Frollo was pleasantly surprised to find he held the female's underwear tightly in his left hand. He could tell by her raised skirt, that she had previously been wearing them. He held them up to his nose, and sniffed them. His member grew hard, knowing exactly who it belonged to, and where it came from. Curiosity and lust spurned him on, and he flicked his tongue over a wet, musk smelling spot. His eyes grew wide before he licked it again. Frollo moaned loudly, as he could still taste her cum on her panties.

"You're not disappearing on me this time, Gypsy." Frollo whispered. Swiftly he exited his room, and returned with a cup of burgundy liquid. "Sirena. Wake up, Darling." Frollo gently shook her awake,  and handed her the glass.

"What's this?" Sirena asked groggily.

"Oh, nothing much. Just a celebratory drink to commemorate your stay." Frollo replied casually. As Sirena raised to glass to her lips, fuzzy warning bells started going off.

"So... You drink wine in the morning, or is this just a one time thing?" Frollo watched her ruby lips parted as she spoke. The reddish liquid was tipped over the rim, and down her throat.

"As long as you are mine..."

After she had finished,  she handed the glass back to him. A few minutes later her eyes closed immediately, and her body fell over with a 'plop'.

"I must make sure you never escape again!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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