I love you anyway

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"What am I going to do now?" Sirena asked herself aloud. "He can't seem to understand anything I say... What happened to the man I used to know?" She looked up at the high ceiling as she remembered his words.

'Step one foot outside.. And you're mine!' She had no doubt he meant it, but there was no way she was going to let them have the satisfaction of catching her. That's when she made up her mind.

"No, my dear. I'm coming to you,  and this has to stop!" Sirena stood up and dried her tears. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes as her hidden angel wings emerged for the first time in two decades. "Oh my. It feels so good to stretch my wings again." The huge doors opened,  and she took to the ceiling,  hovering quietly over the men as they came in to search. Sirena used the opportunity to slip out,  and she flew towards the Palace of Justice. As she came to an open window,  she heard a familiar voice singing to himself.

"Tell me Maria, why I see her dancing there, why her smoldering eyes still scorch my soul?! I feel her,  I see her. The sun caught in her raven hair, is blazing in me out of all control! Like fire, Hellfire! This fire in my skin." From inside his robe he pulled out her scarf she had thrust into his hands after she had protected him at the festival. He rubbed the fabric against his face, inhailing her strong exotic scent that lingered. "This burning desire, is turning me to sin!" Frollo's knees went weak as he sank to the floor. Sirena watched him curiously, sitting on the edge of the opened window, as he seemed to be speaking to someone only he could see.

"Is that... Frollo?!" Sirena whispered,  astonished. She had no idea how much he longed for her, almost as much as she missed him. No wonder he had acted like such an asshole to her! She knew the pain he felt.

"Protect me, Maria. Don't let this Siren cast her spell, don't let her fire sear my flesh and bone! Destroy Sirena Rose, and let her taste the fires of Hell, or else let her be mine and mine alone!" Frollo continued,  his emotions pouring out like water from a sieve. Sirena gentle hopped down and was about to walk towards him, when a loud knock startled them both.  The door opened,  and a soldier stood there.

"Minister Frollo. The gypsies have escaped.

"What?" Sirena hid in the cover of the shadows, as she didn't want either to find her yet.

"They're no where in the cathedral. They're are gone."

"But how I... Never mind. Get out you idiot! I'll find her. I'll find both of them. Even if I have to burn down all of Paris." Frollo swore. Sirena's eyes widen at that. Why was he after Esme? She knew she herself was the biggest cause of his grief and annoyance, but was he really going to hurt her for helping that poor boy earlier?! "Hellfire, Dark fire. Now gypsy it's your turn. Choose me or your pyre. Be mine or you will burn!" Sirena almost shrieked and gave out her hidding place as he threw her scarf into the fire. That was not why she gave it to him! "God have mercy on me. God have mercy on her. God have mercy on me. But she will be mine, or she will burn!" Sirena watched him crumple to the floor as his sadness, anger, love, and desire ate away at him. Sirena ran to him,  her anklet bells jingling as she did so. She pulled the exhausted man onto her lap, and stroked his short Grey hair.

"Oh Frollo, you have to stop doing this to yourself."

"Sirena?" Frollo asked, looking up into her eyes,  and thinking she was just a figment of his imagination.

"Of course I'm yours... I always have been, the same way you were always mine." The sleepy man hugged her close to his own body tightly. "No matter what you do, I still love you." Sirena kissed him gently. "Im here now. No more running. Sleep." Frollo's head rested on her shoulder,  as she began to sing to him a song he knew only to well.

"Je T'aime, Je Ta'aime Toujours,
I am forever yours.
Sweet dreams, sweet dreams; mon cher,
You're always in my prayers.
Softly, sweetly, wrapped up in heaven's arms.
Sailing, soaring, over the moon, gathering stardust.
Be still, be safe, be sure.
Je T'aime, Je Ta'aime Toujours.
Wishing, praying, all of your dreams come true.
Please remember, where 're you are, my heart is with you.
Sweet dreams, sweet dreams; mon cher,
You're always in my prayers.
I am forever yours.
Je T'aime, Je Ta'aime Toujours."

His Sirena RoseWhere stories live. Discover now