Part 10

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Oh he growled. You'd better not be wasting my time! There was a knock at the door. Time to go back to your room. Raymond said. Marry hugged Scp-682 and whispered to him I'll see again tonight to see if it will work. He pulled her away. It had better work for your sake. He threatened. She went with Raymond back to Scp-049's room. She went inside and went into the room where his tools were. She spotted a shot and needle. She grabbed it and took some of her blood. She put a cap on it to keep it from leaking. She thought about Scp-049. How she wouldn't be able to be around him any more if she did this because she would no longer have her powers. Her powers gave her healing abilities so Scp-049 didn't have any affect on her. I thought I told you not to come in here anymore? He asked her. She turned on her heals. Oh, uh....hi she smiled. What are you doing Marry? He asked her concerned. I have an idea. What is it? He asked curious. I saw my sister. I might be able to save her if I give her my blood she might able to heal herself. You see my blood cells have healing substances in them. Oh...then that explains it then. Scp-049 stated. Hm? She said confused. That explains why you can be around me. He told her. Well....She started. That's the one problem if I do this I won't have my powers and I won't be able to be around you anymore. She said with tears in her eyes. He stood silent for a minute. Marry handed him a tube. What's this? He asked. This is for you I got two blood samples. You can give this too Raymond and you'll have what you deserve. You'll be free. She said smiling at him. She started to walk away but he grabbed her and kissed her. You don't even know if this will work. He told her. I have to try. Please she begged. I love you marryandra. He said kissing her neck. I love you too. She said kissing him back. He put a arm underneath her lifted her up kissing her neck down to her chest. He laid her on the tool table and kissed her down to her tummy. He pulled her up and put her legs around his waste and he pulled her close to him tightly.

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