Part 12

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Marryandra woke up and saw Scp-049 sitting next to her on the couch sleeping. She smiled at him lovingly. She quietly went to the spare room to take a shower. After she got out she put on T-shirt over her bra and panties and dried her hair. There was a knock at the door. She answered it. Oh, hi Raymond. He grabbed her. She struggled to get free but couldn't. She smacked him and he grabbed her again. He pointed a gun at her. Come with me now. He demanded her Scp-049 came out of his tool room and saw her. He glared at him and started towards him. Stop right there I'll shoot her. He threatened. Scp-049 stopped. I told you that if you didn't take care or her that I would! He shouted. You lay a finger on her I will kill you in the slowest worst way possible! Scp-049 shouted. I already have he grinned evilly. Scp-049 glared at him darkly. Raymond was distracted by a noise then Scp-049 ran towards him hitting him in the neck making him pass out. Marryandra ran to Scp-049's side and cried. He hugged her tightly. What did he do? He asked concerned. By the time she told him everything Raymond had woken up. Scp-049 got up and grabbed him dragging him across the floor to his room. Marryandra heard screams and yells for about two hours then silence. Scp-049 finally came out. Everything ok? She asked worried. I took care of everything trust me you have nothing to worry about. Sorry if I scared you. He said looking at the floor. She smiled at him. You could never scare me. I love you Scp-049. I don't want to be with anyone else. She kissed him softly and he kissed her back deeply.

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