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Princess Imani West

"Not gonna lie uncle Jewels I'm gonna fuck up your son" King said calmly.

Its been 2 days now since I left home, apparently Jayden had been tryna get through to me through everyone else, but by then I had already let everyone know what happened and we were currently have a family meeting at mum and dad's house knowing it was just gonna go left.

"Shit at this point" Dad said sipping his drink.

Uncle Jewels sighed.

"I rather it be you then me, I might kill him by accident" He said shaking his head. "I raised that little nigga better than that man" 

He sounded so defeated, embarrassed and just sad. 

"Its okay Uncle Jewels there's no need to beat yourself up" I said softly.

He looked over at me along with dad and King.

"It will be fine, I'm over it" I said.

"Princess you shouldn't have to deal with this shit, no female should..." 

I felt tears welding up in my eyes. Dad came and sat beside me pulling me into him.

"I love him so much, I never thought he would ever do this to me" I said finally crying.

"What's going on in here?" Ro and Alexis asked walking in. 

I pulled away from dad and headed to one of the bathrooms downstairs locking myself inside. 

"What did I do to deserve this?" I asked myself looking into the mirror. 

I didn't even realise I was in here for a hour. I washed my face and exited the bathroom and headed back to the family room where everyone was now mingling. I suddenly fell mad when I noticed Jayden in the corner playing with Jas.

"Who left this nigga alone with my baby?" I asked calmly.

Everyone looked over at Jayden and Jas then back at me.

"Prin that's still his ba---"

"---Don't even finish that sentence mum, yall rewarding this nigga, what the fuck" 

Everyone just starred at me.

"Yall wanna protect this nigga then do that, it has taken everything me not to blow up like this but now yall crossing me" 

"Princess are you serious? So you want Jas to have no father?" Ro asked confused.

I shook my head.

"Of course I want her to have a father, but not one like this, not one that's gonna violate me...her mother, not one that chooses when he wants to be a man, not one that chooses when he wants to be a father, I'm a full time mother before anything and I feel disrespected, if you guys can't see that then cool I can take me and my baby and don't come back round yall with my problems, this shit hurts, I've watched people get cheated on and violated by someone they thought loved them and I refuse to go down like the rest of them, when I'm ready to talk about this shit then I will and if no one can respect that then so be it" 

By now I had tears racing down my face, I took Jas from Jayden looking him dead in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Imani..."

"Your always so Jayden, you actions are suppose to speak louder than words, and your actions keep cheating on me so..."

He sighed. 

I strapped Jas in her car seat then picked up her baby bag.

"Princess you don't have to go..." Mum said softly.

"But I do mum, right now if I don't leave ima say some stuff I will probley regret so let me go"

"Yeah mum just let her go" Ro said glaring at me now.

"What's your problem?" Reign asked.

She sniggered.

"Not a damn thing, your welcome to leave" She continued looking at me.

"Shit you don't have to tell me twice" 

I picked up Jas in her car seat and headed downstairs.


I let out a frustrated sigh now.

"What do you want?"

"Please don't keep her from my brother..." Jayla said softly.

I sighed feeling defeated.

"I've gotta go..." I said softly.

I continued out the house, buckled Jas in the car then got in putting her baby bag beside me and drove down the road to one person I knew I could count on.

"Look at you ya big baby" 

I pouted holding a sleeping Jas now, she opened the door wide enough for me to come in. 

To Be Continued...

I know it was short I'm sowwy lol...

but more excitement and drama to come !!!!


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