chapter 1: my other self

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Ganz suppressed a groan as he suddenly woke up painfully aware of the seemingly constant pounding pain in his skull. He brought his cold hand up to his forehead and pressed it with force in a futile attempt to relive the pounding pain. 'ugh where did I fall' he questioned after noticing the blatant lack of snow beneath him instead there was something firm and hard. slowly he opened his dry eyes only to be met by a cavern sealing -that was extremely high above him of course. Now this wouldn't be odd if not for, one he couldn't see any trees or snow for that matter, two the rocks where a brownish color while all roof/sky rocks in snowdin where covered in ice and where very close to being white and three there wasn't a :sun: and the light instead came from something to his side though it was still bright enough to light up the area. Quite baffled ganz pushed himself up into a sitting position with his stiff limbs and took his hand from his forehead the pain momentarily forgotten in his confusion. Beneath him was a tiled grayish purple, faded floor that looked like it wasn't cleaned in centuries as dust was covering the floor-not the dead monster kind of dust but the annoying dust that appears when something isn't cleaned. On his side, behind and in front was a...fence? Like one of those stone fences you see on roofs edges, and said fence was fully gray. The light he noted before came from a large doorway on his other side from which a strong artificial slightly purple light emerged. It took a few drawn out moments but it clicked. He knew exactly where he was now the question was.... how in the world did he end up there???? 'how did i- I fell down there's no way I would end up in the ruins let alone here. Did I teleport in my sleep? Hmm possible but that never happened before so unlikely' he continued to brainstorm trying to figure out what magical bullshitery made him end up in the ruins that is until he was abruptly snapped out of his thoughts by loud footsteps to his side where the doorway was. He snapped his head in the direction of the noises only to see...

Hybrid pov change

Ganz confused? Yeah confused sounded right. When he walked to his favorite spot in the ruins to think and to talk to mel without monsters thinking he was crazy. He did not expect to see something closest akin to an alternate version he didn't expect that at all. The other was taller- at least ganz thought so since they were sitting, he couldn't see their exact height. They had the same markings as him though they were a dark faded blue instead of dark gray nearly black like his. A blue scarf hung loosly around their scar ridden neck and a silver neckless slightly poked up from behind the scarf. They had a cloak like hoodie which was blue with various shades of blue markings on it and very fluffy black fur on the hood, around the cuffs of the hands, and he could see some more fur pocking out from the pockets and the inside of the not zipped up hoodie. The stranger had a white shirt. They wore long almost pant like baggy pure black shorts and red and black sneakers. Ganz also noticed the others black fingerless gloves.

"eh you okay? You've been staring at me like I have two heads or something" the other said in similar the voice to ganz though theirs was smoother and deeper. Actually, it greatly resembled mels voice just without the painful sounding scratchiness. "I- uh- you- me- what- "ganz stuttered being brought back to reality as he stared at the other whose brow was raised. Though the short skeleton didn't even speak a coherent sentence as he tripped over his words trying to get all of the questions he had at the same time. the other thankfully seemed to understand what ganz wanted to say. "ah well from the information I have right now you are me. Not sure if you're from an au or from another timeline but to confirm that I would need to either get error to check the codes or see...well stuff here and look for differences" they said nonchalantly rubbing their forehead leaving ganz with only more questions. "i- time- aus- but that's not- "the other once again understood the message that was hidden between ganzes word vomit. "as I said I am not sure" he stated firmly as he got up revealing that he was around the same height as papyrus and quite lanky and that what ganz previously thought was a shirt was instead a crop top which only covered the others upper ribs.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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