|| Chapter 2|| Still not there?!

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||3rd person pov||

You gon leorio and kurapika go down the path when suddenly a old women with a table appears with a few other people. "I see you are heading for that tree up on the hill. You must first answer these questions then you may pass. There is on my to answers. Begin. Rogues have taken your mother and the love of your life. A- save your mother, B- save the love of your life." "What type of question is that?!" Leorio turns red. "How am I supposed to answer that?!" "You dont...." you respond calmly. Leorio still doesn't get it but remains quite. "You may pass." She opens up a door for your group and you go on in to the path. "Head to the house." She says. (I think that happened I don't remember and I don't feel good I have covid so yeah) you go to the house and you see a bloody mess, along with monsters attacking a couple.....? No, you think, that isn't a couple.... There tattoos.... There brother and sister? Also you smell fake blood. "You are brother and sister aren't you?" "How did you know?" "Because your tattoos and it's fake blood. "Oh, well you all pass. Let me fly you to the exam." They say.
They fly you to the exam. "That's the exam?" We all look up at this amazing looking building. "No.... it's over there..." we look where they were talking about and its.... a restaurant... a really bad one. "That's the hunter exam?! No way!" We walk inside of the building.  Hisoka told me about this. We are supposed to ask to in the back  order the special steak combo grilled under a low flame.

||time skip||

We go down to the hunter exam and are greeted with stares. A little bean man gives us badges. My number 406.

I start to think to myself when I lose gon and the others. I look for them when  suddenly I hear a man screaming in pain. Everyone turns to see a man's arms  turn into red flower pedals. Then I see..... "Hiso-nii!!" I run over to him and he picks me up and holds me close.

"Oh my.... how unusual... this poor man's arms seen to have turned into flower pedals.... no you see them.... now you don't...."  you can see gon gasp. "You should be more careful, and apologize when you bump into someone..."

||Gons pov||

"Great the sociopaths back at it again..." tonpa says. "You know that guy?" I ask. "Does that mean he tried last year?" Kurapika says.

"Number 44, hisoka the magician. He was the number choice to pass last year's exam, until he almost killed a examiner he didn't approve of!" Everyone gasp at tonpas words. "Then what the he'll is he doing here?! There letting him retake the exam after doing somthing like that?!" "Of course they are," tonpa responds. "They change the examiners and content every year, and the examiners choose the new material. The devil itself could pass the hunter exam if the examiners feel like it, it's how the whole thing works. Anyway, nobody likes the guy, I would keep my distance if I were you." "Well, he definitely looks dangerous...." leorio mutters. "Oh! I almost forgot, let's have a toast to our friendship!" Tonpa says pulling out orange juice.

||y/n pov||

I give hisoka I big hug. "Did anything bad happen to my little strawberry while I was gone?~~" "nope! I made some cool friends though!" I say with a huge grin on my face. He ruffles my hair and puts me down. "You run along now, I don't want your friends to get worried...~"

621 words.....

See ya! ~ Author chan....

*coughs in covid 19*

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