Chapter 1

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Logan thinks back how he managed to get dragged into this mess. There are at least a  dozen death eaters corpses on the ground. An angry yet scared young teen looking at Logan. He points his hands at Logan ready to kill him if necessary. 

"Who are you? Are you one of THEM?" He asks. 

"No, I ain't a death eater kid! I was brought in to bring you in." Logan said.

 "Bring ME in? Bring me in?!" The kid asks. 

"Yeah by the Ministry of Magic," He said. 

"Well shit." the boy said considering killing Logan to keep himself safe.  

"What's someone like you even doing KILLING death eaters anyway. Shouldn't you be in Hogwarts." Logan asks. Then the kid gives Logan a confused look. 

"What the fuck is Hogwarts?" He asks him. 

" don't know. Jesus have you ever even BEEN the wizarding world?" Logan asks.

 /This guy is crazy!/ The kid thinks to himself. 

"What's your name kid? Mine's Logan." Logan asks. 

"....Max Eisenhardt." He said with caution still not sure if he can trust the mysterious stranger. 

"You left a lot of bodies. Why are you doing this?" Logan asks.

 "I did it to escape. I did it to survive! Because my family did not." Max said with a frown. 

" escaped a camp?" Logan asks. Max shows him his holocaust tattoo.

 "They gave me a number. Then I got separated from my parents. My sister died from an illness. I bent a gate. Then I was brought to a doctor. He...killed my mother with 2 words. I never forgot about it. And when I had an opportunity. I used those words to escape. And hunt down the bastard who took my mother away." Max said with a growl.

 "Damn he got to you. Schmidt got to you." Logan mutters. 

"How do you know him!?" Max asks.

 "He's a bad guy. Takes young Wizard kids like you and does experiments on them." Logan said. 

"He killed my mother. Because I couldn't move a stupid coin. And I plan to find and kill him!" Max growls.

Logan just sighed. "Listen, kid. It's not safe for you here. Eventually, those guys you just killed are going to track you down and kill you because you killed their friends." Logan said. 

"Good," Max said.

"And they know a whole lot more spells that the one you know," Logan said. 

"They...they do?" Max asks. 

"Look Max….come with me. I can take you to a school where you can learn MORE magic." Logan said.

 "Why should I trust you?" Max asks. 

"What do you have to lose?" Logan asks.

With hesitation, Max goes with Logan. "The death eater killer...a  mere child." Max hears whispers about him. 

"I am not a child! I'm 14!" Max said.

  "God look at him." Another one said. 

"And no magic parents or even a WAND. Wonder why kept THIS one alive." Someone said. 

"Tell me, child. How do you know that...dark spell?" A blonde woman asks. 

"Namora," Logan warns.

Magnus the Muggle-born Slytherin Where stories live. Discover now