Chapter 2

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Erik sat in the chair while everyone was staring silently at him. "Is...Is Slytherin bad?" Erik asks nervously. 

"It's not bad. We don't see that many muggle-borns being placed there. It's very rare." Professor Slughorn, Head of Slytherin, said. 

"Oh. Cool!" Erik said with a grin. 

When Erik went to sit down with his fellow Slytherin members. Some of them gave a scowl that Erik RECOGNIZED before. It was the same look his non-Jewish classmates gave him during the nazi regime. "Erik over here!" Charles said waving. Erik sat down next to him and began eating. 

Soon the rest of the house sorting ceremony began. "Did I do something wrong?" Erik asks looking at all the Slytherin members who kept staring and glaring at him. 

"Some wizards don't think wizards who don't have magical parents deserve to learn magic. To learn HERE at Hogwarts." Moria said. 

"Oh, purity. They consider me inferior to them." Erik said with a frown. 

"Unfortunately," Charles said. 

"So even with magic. I'm still trash." Erik said softly. 

Being in a group of Slytherin made Erik slightly uneasy. Mainly because of the insults and prejudice he KNOWS that they are saying behind his back. When Erik entered his dorm room for the first time he was amazed. Mainly because it has been awhile since he has had a warm bed to sleep in. 

When his first-class started. Erik was super nervous because he hardly had a good time in his previous school. Mainly because he was too Jewish for their standards. Which translated meant that the nazis just wanted an excuse to kick Erik out. After his class was done. Erik decided to go to the library to see if he can attempt to pass for someone who has been to a world filled with wizards and witches.

 "So darling. How's it feel to be apart of the cool kids?" A female voice asks. 

"Not sure. Everyone keeps staring at me as if I were a death eater." Erik said.

 "Don't worry about them, Erik. Not all Slytherins are bad." She tells him. "Well...not EVIL anyway." She adds.

 "Well then since you know my name. What's yours?" Erik asks.

"Emma Frost." She said. 

"Frost is an actual name?" Erik jokes. 

"Unfortunately," Emma muttered. "Anyway. How's it feel being the most infamous muggle-born in school right now?" Emma asks.

 "I hardly did anything that important as of late. I'll get back to you on that if I do anything cool." Erik said with a smirk. 

"I have no doubt about that." She said. 

"Wait a minute," Erik said looking at her uniform and sees that her color is blue. "You're in Ravenclaw. What are you even doing here talking to ME?" Erik asks. 

"I couldn't miss my chance to meet the Slytherin muggle-born." She said with a smile. "And another thing. Didn't you take a seat next to Xavier when the Slytherins gave you a death stare?" Emma asks.

 "He was the first wizard I met that didn't think less of me," Erik admits. 

Soon potion-making classes start and Erik is..very confused about the classes here. "Pay attention newbie." One of the older kids said.

 "Come on Tom. He's never been to a magic school before." Emma said.

 "Tom?" Erik asks. 

"Tom Riddle. The most important student in this school. Making you the second." Emma said. Tom gave Erik a look. 

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