ᴅɪᴍᴇɴSɪᴏɴ ᴊᴜᴍᴘɪɴɢ ᴘᴛ. 3 (Fɪᴠᴇ)

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I blinked slowly, waking up again. Another light was shining in my eyes. "Oh god, again?!" I blurted out. My eyesight adjusted to the lamp, and I spotted a worried Five. I guess I wasn't being kidnapped by the Handler for a second time. "She's awake!" He called out. I tried to sit up, but a pounding headache erupted. I let out a groan and laid back down. "Y/N, are you okay? Do you remember what happened?" Allison asked from the left.

The memories rushed back to my head. I was drugged, the Umbrella Academy saved me, I threw a bottle of rubbing alcohol, and knocked myself out like a dumbass. "I'm stupid..." I muttered. "What?" Luther asked, not hearing what I had said.

"Are you okay?" Allison repeated. "My chin hurts." I moaned out in pain. I went up to touch it and immediately felt a large scab there. "Don't touch your wound, it will only hurt more." Pogo from the doorway said. I realized I was laid down in the same medical room that Allison was in when her throat got slit. Or, I guess I wasn't because that didn't happen in this dimension.

I sat up slowly this time. Five had deep bags under his eyes and looked like he hadn't slept in months. "Five." I grabbed his wrist and held his hand. "What's wrong?" He blinked away a few tears. I pulled him in for a hug and started rubbing his back comfortingly. "You scared me, that's all." Five whispered, wiping the tears away.

"You were out for a week, Y/N. Whatever drug they used on you had some serious effects. Five never left your side." Diego informed me. "He's just a big softie." Klaus grinned. "Shut up." Five stifled out. I forced our eyes to meet and pressed my lips against his. Five seemed shocked at first but slowly melted into it. The kiss lasted too long, and I forgot his siblings were right there with us.

Diego wolf-whistled at us, causing me to pull away. "Look at my brother Five, getting some action!" He cheered. "Shut up!" Five yelled at his brother. "Remember, always use pro-" Klaus started. "If you finish that sentence, your head is going through the wall!" My boyfriend screamed.

"What were you talking about when you kept apologizing and said you were a liability?" Vanya asked me. She was behind Five. "I- Um- Well, getting tortured was a very eye-opening experience. Like Deigo called Vanya at the end of episode 3 after Hazel and Cha-Cha attacked, I feel like a liability. I'm a weakness that the commission or anyone else can target, so maybe I should just go home..." I muttered the last part.

"That's not fair," Luther said. "Y/N, if you're a liability, then anyone else close to us is. Claire is a liability, Pogo is a liability, Mom- I mean Grace, is a liability, and anyone we have ever met is too. Just because you're from another dimension doesn't mean this isn't where you belong." He reassured me. I gave the Hargreeves a weak smile and sighed. "Maybe you guys are right. I'm sorry for worrying you all so much when the Handler kidnapped me." I apologized. 

"Once again, what are you apologizing for? Being kidnapped?" Klaus asked.

"It was a pleasure firing multiple rounds into the Handler and Cha-Cha. Don't apologize, it's not your fault at all." Five rubbed my hand comfortingly. "You're kind of funny when you're high." Klaus laughed with a small smile. "I barely remember anything other than kissing Five, throwing the bottle of rubbing alcohol, and knocking myself out. I don't know what they gave me." I sighed.

"It must have been something powerful. I don't think that smacking your head on an end table would have made you pass out for a week." Allison said. "By the way, we found your Wait-pod fiction," Vanya told me. I got confused for a second. "She means we found your Wattpad fanfiction." Klaus corrected her. "Oh... oh." I realized what they were talking about.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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