Just a Normal Day (Moonstone)

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Hello, readers. I am Moonstone Warren, the protagonist of this story. I am a thirteen year old teen who loves fantasy and fiction. There are over a million things about me that you'll know soon. Now, let's get into the story, shall we.

I woke up one morning as, surprisingly, my room felt blazing hot. I remember quite well that I had switched on my air conditioner last night before I went to sleep. After I was completely awake, I glanced up at the air conditioner and was shocked to see that it was switched off. Well, even if the air conditioner was switched off, it wouldn't be so hot. It felt like I was inside an oven (Not that I know how it feels to be inside an oven). Just then I noticed that my window was open and a red bird was sitting on the window sill. At right that moment, the bird flew away. But I didn't have time for red flying away birds right now.

I wasn't able to think straight. The only thing that came to my mind was, 'Open the bedroom door'. I didn't know how opening my room door would do the trick, but that was the best I could think of. I jumped out of bed and dashed to my room door and threw it open. Suddenly the heat died away

and my room was back to its normaltemperature.

Just then my mom's voice called from downstairs, 'Moonstone, honey, wake up. Breakfast will be ready in half-an-hour'.

'Yes, mum,' I answered.

I quickly freshened up and ran downstairs. My mum had set up pancakes for all of us. My dad was sitting there reading today's newspaper.

'Good morning, dad,' I said.

'Good morning, Moon,' my dad said looking above his paper.

I looked around the table.

'Where's Chrissie?' I asked.

'Oh, she'll be down in a few minutes,' dad said.

Chrissie Warren is my twin sister. She is ten seconds younger to me. When I say twin, you might think we are literally alike, but no, she isn't very alike to me. Her eyes are yellow while mine are purple; she's good at singing while I'm not, et cetera, et cetera. But one of the things we both have is our navy blue hair (but mine is longer). We have an older brother as well. His name is Alex. He's fifteen has brown hair and grey eyes. He loves me and Chrissie very much, so he can get a little over protective. He's studying abroad at the moment but you'll meet his soon. Okay, let's go to our parents. Our father is called Noah Warren and our mom is Amelia. They're both really kind and always prepare us for everything.

'Good morning,' a voice said behind me.

I turned around and came face to face with my sister.

'Hey, sis. How ya doing?' She said.

'Just fine, little sis. What about you?' I said.

'Good,' she said glancing at the table. 'Ooo, I love pancakes.'

Just then my mum came from the kitchen carrying a pot of honey and a honey dipper.

''Morning, mum,' me and my sister said unison.

'Good morning,' my mum said.' Now that we're all here, let's have breakfast.' She said tapping the pot of honey with the honey dipper.

After breakfast I and Chrissie got ready for as we were going to the aquarium with Nick. Nicholas Walter is our friend and he was almost a year older than me and Chrissie.

We thought we would be on time but to our surprise we were late. Not actually late, but we would be if we didn't get out of the house in ten minutes. We ran downstairs. I was in blue jeans, a white top and my favorite pink jacket. My long and wavy, dark blue hair was tied in a ponytail. I put on my pink shoes and followed Chrissie outside the front door. We had five minutes to spare. If we hurried we would be on time to meet Nick by the aquarium.

Moonstone Warren and The Lost Legend (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now