Witches! (Moonstone)

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'Under attack? Are you serious?' Chrissie shouted over all the noise.

'Yes,' Nick cried.

'Who are they?' I asked.

'Witches,' Nick said.

'What!' I cried.

'Great,' Chrissie said rolling her eyes, 'another thing that pops out of my sisters' book. And it had to be witches. I don't need to read her books to know, witches are bad news.'

'Not the time, Chrissie,' I said.

'Stay here,' Nick told us and walked out of the room.

'Where is he going?' Chrissie asked.

'Outside, duh,' I said. I turned to Ember. 'Hey, Ember, you're a phoenix, so, do you have, you know, fire magic?'

She nodded. 'I'm a fire phoenix, so I have the power of fire.'

'Okay, great,' I said. 'Ember, stay here with Chrissie. I'll see what's Nick up to.' I ran out of the room before they could say a word. I ran down the stairs and threw the front door open. The sight that met my eyes was beautiful! I mean, bad. It was beautiful and bad. The beautiful part was the magic! The bad part, a fight between good and evil, and the evil was winning!

Three pretty women were sitting on brooms that were floating in midair. They were completely dressed in black. Black dresses that came till their ankle, black pointy hats and black sandals. They were fighting three people, two girls and one guy. I stared in bewilderment. They were holding staffs as well. I shook my head; I didn't have time for sightseeing. I had to find Nick.

That's when a hand touched my shoulder. I was startled; I spun around and move a few steps back. 'Not another step or I'll be yo-' I started but when I saw who it was, I relaxed.

'Nick, you startled me,' I said.

'I should be the one saying that. I was sure you were going to kick me in the face,' Nick said.

'I would've, if I hadn't seen who you were,' I told him.

But then Nick face got serious. 'What are you doing here? I told you to stay inside.'

I rolled my eyes. 'oh, come on. There's no way I'd miss out on this.'

'What! You want to get into a fight, with witches?'

'I can help, you know'.

Then Nick realized something. 'Wait a minute, where's Chrissie and Ember?'

'They're at home. Ember is a phoenix, so she has fire magic. She should be able to handle herself and Chrissie.'

Nick sighed. 'Chrissie is safer up there with Ember than you are out here. You should probably get back to them.'

'No can do, wise guy,' I said with a smirk. 'I'm gonna help in any way I can.'

Then before Nick could stop me, I ran off to the left. I heard Nick telling me to stop -you guessed it- but I didn't. Once Nick was out of sight, I stood and wondered what to do.

'How can I, a normal girl without magic, defeat a witch with a whole lot of magic?' I asked myself.

'Oh, you are anything but normal, darling,' a soft voice said.

I turned around to see the shortest of the three witches. She looked pretty young, maybe a few years elder to me. She had chocolate brown hair and grey eyes like storm clouds. She didn't look pretty fierce for a witch. But never underestimate a lady.

'I think,' she added uncertainty.

I stared dumbfounded. A witch who was trying to be funny? She wasn't even standing by what she said. She didn't even stand by her sentence. She was uncertain on information. She wasn't creepy. She didn't look evil. She looked innocent. Without a doubt, she was the weirdest witch (but who knows, there could be more weird ones, but that didn't deny she was weird).

'Never mind,' she said turning to me. 'You're coming with me, young lady.'

'Can I not?' I asked.

'You don't have a choice,' she said.

'Well, then,' I said smiling, 'I'll make one'.

I started running to the opposite direction. She started following me. I took sharp turns and ran here and there to confuse her, but it didn't work much.

'Oh, please,' I heard her say,' just come with me. I don't want to play cat and mouse.'

But I didn't stop. When she finally wasn't able to run anymore, she shot a fireball from her staff which landed in front of me, making me fall over. She ran to me and pointed her staff at me.

'Not another step,' she said.

I remained calm. 'Moonstone, Moonstone Warren. Nice to meet you,' I said.

'Amy, Amy Elfins. It's a pleasure,' Amy said smiling. Surprisingly, it was a warm smile.

I suddenly got up and was about to run, when Amy tripped me with her staff.

'I said, not another step,' Amy said firmly.

'Jeez, lady. Why are you after me?' I asked annoyed.

'Because the queen wants you,' she answered.

'And why is that?' I asked.

'I -I never thought of asking her,' Amy said surprised.

I took advantage of this moment and got up. Amy snapped out of her trance and pointed her staff at me. She gave me sly smile, 'you don't have magic. You cannot defeat me.'

'I may not have magic, but I have learnt three different types of martial arts,' I said with a smirk.

Before she could react I landed a spinning kick right at her face, knocking her over. She fell to the ground motionless. Right at that moment Nick came running through a corner.

'Luna, you're okay,' he said.

Then his eyes landed on the knocked out Amy on the ground.

'Did you-'? He asked shocked.

'Yep,' I said.

'You took down an A class witch, impressive,' Nick said impressed.

'Thanks,' I said.

'Come on, we should get out of here,' Nick said. 'Get her staff; the witches will come for her later.'

'No,' I said.

'What?' Nick asked surprised.

'No, I think we should leave the staff. I have a feeling it's for the good' I said.

'Your intuitions were never wrong before, so why start now,' Nick said smiling. I smiled back. We both ran back home before we could see another witch. While running I had a question. 'Why did witches attack us?' I asked.

'It's probably got something to do with the Lost Legend,' Nick murmured.

'The what?'

'Thant's not important now. I still have some explaining to do.'

Moonstone Warren and The Lost Legend (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now