Unknown Brother (Chrissie)

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As my sister would say- Hello readers. I am Moonstone's sister and the second female lead of the story. You would know me as Chrissie. My sister has narrated long enough. So now, it's my turn.

I heard the door slam downstairs, notifying that my sis and Nick had returned. I heard footsteps race up the stairs and my bedroom door burst open.

'Finally,' I said relived. 'You're back.'

'What happened?' Ember asked.

'Nothing much, except Luna taking down an A class witch,' Nick answered.

Ember turned to my sister surprised. 'You did?'

'Yep', sis said.

I smiled. 'That's cool but, how did you that she was of A class?'

'If she was of A class, then her staff must've been black,' Ember said.

'It sure was,' Moonstone said.

'How does that prove anything?' I asked.

'Witches are graded in classes. C class, B class, A class and S class, which is the Supreme class. Each class has its own type of staff. C class witches have dark brown staffs, B class have dark purple staffs, A class have black staffs and S class too have black staffs but they have a special type of crystals on their staffs,' Ember said.

'What special type of crystal?' M asked.

'The Dark Crystal,' Nick said. A dark shadow dawned over his face, like the thought disturbed him a lot. The whole room became dark, even when the sun was shining bright outside.

'What's that?' I asked.

'It's the crystal that keeps the Land of Witches alive,' Nick said.

'The Land of Witches?' I asked.

'The Enchanted World is like Earth, but bigger. The Enchanted World is like the second Earth, except for the magic part, of course,' Ember said. 'The Enchanted World is divided into many parts. The Land of Witches, The Land of Fairies, The Realm of Dragons, et cetera.'

'There are fairies and dragons in The Enchanted World?' M asked her eyes sparkling. My sister really got into stuff like this. Anything fictional was like part of her. She practically lived in fantasy.

'Yes,' Nick said, 'and more.'

'Right, so back to the crystal,' I said.

'Yes, the Dark Crystal keeps dark magic alive in the Land of Witches. Witches in the supreme level get to have a piece of the crystal on their staffs. It increases their power a hundred folds,' Nick said. 'Without the crystal, all evil will be erased from the Land of Witches.'

'How is that bad?' I asked.

'Witches live on dark magic,' Ember said. 'Without it, they'll turn good.'

'Again, how is that bad?' I repeated.

'To witches, 'being good' is like drinking poison,' M said. 'And nobody in their right minds would want to drink poison.'

'How do you know all that?' I asked my sis raising an eyebrow.

'I read a lot of fantasy,' M said like it was obvious, which it was. My sister loved fantasy.

'Right, of course,' I said.


Nick's phone suddenly started ringing. 'Excuse me,' he said and pulled out his phone from his jeans pocket. He looked at his phone and his eyes widened. He smiled and turned to us. 'I know this isn't the best way for you to find out, but he'll be sorry to not have seen you.'

'Who are you talking about?' M asked confused.

'Oh, you'll see,' Nick said. He laid his phone on my study table and snapped his fingers. Instantly, the phone expanded and folded. In a moment it wasn't a phone any more, but a laptop!

I stared at the laptop as if it had dropped out of the sky. Ember didn't give the slightest reaction and M staring at the laptop like she was watching a fireworks show.

I snapped out of the trance when Ember said, 'We'd better answer the call.'

'How did you do that?' I asked.

'Magic,' Nick said.

I stared at the laptop screen. The caller was someone called James Walter.

Walter, I thought, maybe he's one of Nick's relatives.

Nick answered the call and immediately a face appeared on the screen. The caller looked nothing like Nick.

'Nick,' the caller said delightfully, 'long time, no see.'

'Yeah, Brother,' Nick said. 'It's good to see you again.'

'Wait, brother?' M said. She turned to Nick and pointed at the laptop screen. 'He's you brother?'

Nick nodded nervously. 'Sorry, I wasn't able sooner. I had to keep it a secret.'

They did not look very alike though. Nick's hair was red while James's was black. Nick's eyes were green while James's were blue.

James chuckled. 'You must be Moonstone. Nick has told me a lot about you. And about your sister and Earth,' James added.

'Hello, James,' M said.

'Hi, James,' I said waving.

'Hello, Chrissie.'

That's when James noticed Ember.

'Hello,' James said to Ember. 'I'm sorry, but I don't know who you are. I think Nick forgot to mention you.'

'I did not,' Nick said. 'We found Ember only yesterday.'

'Found?' James asked.

Ember bowed in a graceful curtsy. 'I am Ember, a fire phoenix. It's an honor to meet you, Your Highness.'

'Your Highness,' I said. 'Again? What's with that?'

James sighed. 'I see Nick didn't tell you yet.'

'Tell us what?' M asked.

'Um, you see, it's actually- we're actually,' Nick stammered. 'We're, uh-'

'-princes in the Enchanted World,' James completed.

Moonstone Warren and The Lost Legend (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now