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Here's the form, guys! :3

Full name:
Main alias/nickname:
Other nicknames:
Backstory (optional):

Here's an example using both of my OCs!

OC #1
Full name: Destiny Brown

Main alias/nickname: Des (or Delta, since her YouTube channel username is DeltaPhiOmega)

Other nicknames: Dellie, Dest, Del, Tiny (she REALLY hates being called this, and only lets certain people do so)

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Biromantic bisexual

Appearance: Long, wavy, thick dark-brown hair (with half of it dyed green), electric-blue eyes, lightly-tanned skin, short (5'5) and skinny

Clothing: Is usually comfortable wearing a hoodie, singlet, tights/trackpants and sneakers/boots. Her signature outfit is a light-gray singlet, a black vest (not the kind like a puffer jacket, just fabric), jade-green tights, a mint-green bandana and black boots with yellow outlines, plus her character model wears a jade-green mask with her logo on it.

Personality: Usually tends to remain as emotionless as possible, rather stone-faced, protective, sassy, sarcastic and determined in the view of people who don't know her well, secretly very sensitive and unsure of everything around her but holds herself together by putting barriers up to protect herself

Crush/Boyfriend: Either Dream or Wilbur (usually depends on the scenario or preference)

Relatives: Teddy (adoptive younger sister)

Likes: Spending time alone, whipped cream, hash browns, playing the piano and violin (she's grade 8 for both, played piano since she was five and violin since she was nine)

Dislikes: Rude people, homophobes and transphobes, smoking, alcohol, drugs, mashed potatoes

Backstory (optional): Destiny was born in Brighton, England to Noel and Sophia Brown, though her family moved to her father's hometown in North Carolina, USA not too long after her birth (for context, her mother is British and her father is American, making her half and half). She resided in the city of Charlotte for the majority of her life, living as an only child until her parents adopted an orphaned young girl (Teddy). She became heavily protective of her little sister and looked after her throughout the years, even moving out of her parents' home with her when their father became more and more abusive. She started taking on jobs throughout the years, while also pursuing a YouTube career (which is how she met her friend group).

OC #2
Full name: Teddy Denis-Brown

Main alias/nickname: None

Other nicknames: Ted, Tedster, Teddy bear

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Panromantic demisexual

Appearance: Long, straight, think dark-brown hair (half-dyed lavender), brownish hazel eyes, lightly-tanned skin, very short (5'1), skinny

Clothing: Prefers warm and comfortable clothing, though she sometimes wear singlets and shorts.

Personality: Usually keeps to herself and tends to stay locked up in her room rather than make contact with anyone, carefree and happy around people she gets along with, sensitive, polite at first but can be defensive

Crush/Boyfriend: TommyInnit

Relative/s: Destiny (adoptive older sister)

Likes: Honestly it's probably easier listing things she DOESN'T like

Dislikes: Bombs, or anything related to bombs (for example, grenades), smoking, alcohol, drugs

Backstory (optional): Teddy was born in Charlotte, North Carolina to single mother Eva Denis, who promptly died not too long after her birth from eclampsia. She was moved to an orphanage to be cared for until her adoption almost five years later, when Noel and Sophia Brown took her in as part of the Brown family. She quickly grew close with her older adoptive sister Destiny, and looked up to her as a role model. Over the years she started being verbally and emotionally abused by their father due to moral conflicts the two had, and moved out with Destiny when the situation became too dire. Since then she has been persuading Destiny to move with their mother back to England despite not being a citizen or having a passport.

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