23. Together bonding

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[The time passes in a Day] :>

Y/n: *yawns* ughh~ is it morning already?

<Both Y/n and Jungkook in bed>

Jungkook:*Hmm..?* I guess so...

A/N: Btw to let you know Jungkook is topless. In this part. So imagine that girl.🤣

Y/n: Well I've got some things to do so you do your thing and I'll do mine.

<Y/n stands but was stopped by Jungkook>

Jungkook: Ehh~? *Whines and cuddles y/n from the back* Can I at least get a "Morning Kiss" from my Beautiful Y/n~?

<Door opens slowly>

Jungkook's Mom: *Clears Throat* You two love birds. You should know your limits. Especially when there is a Guest in your house.*Lifts up one brow*.

Jungkook: I..Uh... Morning Mom...So uh..? *Getting nervous*

Jungkook's Mom: Uhh..*thinks* Oh right dear!
I was thinking of borrowing y/n today..:>

Jungkook: Ehh not today... *pouts*

Jungkook's Mom: Why? Don't tell me you want Y/N only to be yours!? *Shocked*

JungKook: No mom I just wanted some...some...uhhh...

Jungkook's Mom: Alone time? *Lifts up one brow again*

Y/n: How much random do the jeon family can get? *Whispering to herself*

Jungkook: Oh no mom! *Shouts in a weird tone*

Jungkook's Mom: What?

<Jungkook walks up to his mother and whispered>

Jungkook: Mom... Can I have an alone time with y/n right now? Because later we will be busy. *Whispers*

Jungkook's Mom: Well then... Tomorrow I'll borrow Y/n for some Mother and Daughter spending together tomorrow! :>

Jungkook: Sure mom! I'm happy you accepted her. To this family...*puts on a soft smile*

Jungkook's Mom: Well...Am I. In the wrong timing right now?

Jungkook: Well yes very much*Blush*

Jungkook's Mom: Oh well. My dears please continue those things that you are making. *grinning at Jungkook*

Y/n: Making?

Jungkook: MOM! *shouts cutely*

Jungkook's Mom: Bye bye kids :>

Y/n: What was that all about?

<End of chapter 23>

A/N: I know everyone is waiting for the next update of this amazing series I made or Not amazing. But then again the wait was finally gonna end. Cause I might revive this series again. Although I don't remember that much of the story. Also I was only a 12 year old since I started this so. My mind was kinda *HOLY WATER IMAGES COMES*. UHM... That.

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