The beginning (1)

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“I said, ooh, I'm blinded by the lights, No, I can't sleep until I feel your touch” I sang, “Nice song kid who’s that for, your girlfriend, oh shit…she doesn’t exist" James laughed, ~do all jerks drive cars in high school, seems to be a trend~ *~means in my thoughts* “What do you want James don’t you already have enough fun f*cking up my life at school, atleast lemme enjoy the walk" I responded, he speeded of pretending not to hear me, “Yo K, holl up bro lemme catch u real quick" Jake called out behind me, ”haha (sarcastic laughing) your so funny, you know that I still haven’t developed my powers yet, and the guidance counselor said my powers should’ve developed already, the latest should’ve been at 12 and I turned fifteen two weeks ago so I’ve given up bro" I said in a sad tone “c’mon bro don’t give up, you taught me that and now am on the tracks team, thanks to you I’ve a gotten a scholarship to new bordue university” he responded, “bro am just curious as to how they let you when your animal is literally cheetah, doesn’t that give you a massive speed boost behind everyone on land; isn’t that kind of cheating lol" I asked “ yah but I don’t use it to my fullest capability we both know I can up to speed of mach 1” “bro there’s no way you can run as fast as sound that’s impossible” I said unbelievably “wow we’re already at school" “don’t avoid change the subject!!” I shouted as he ran off, “that b*tch, am gonna kill him, if I can catch him off guard”.

                     *Sees girl*

~ hmmm even tho I’ve been to this school for years now it feels like I see new people everyday but I’m sure she’ new and she’s also kinda cute *blush*…what’s her name, wait…..idiot she’s most likely older than you and is bound to become one  of James' one might stands or a side chick well…….nothing I can do I guess~.

*10 minutes later of trying to avoid James before class*

“First class of the day and quite frankly the most boring, LITERATURE!!!....I wonder what was so important that she called us to class 5 minutes early hopefully she’s pregnant and will be leaving so we get a substitute” I wondered, then there she was; standing at the front of the class beside the teacher usually I never cared what the teacher had to say but never have I cared this much…she stood looking at the class like she was a bit scared and mainly wanted to leave, the same feeling I had coming here to Wellston High, rated “highest" in the country if only they could’ve seen what was really happening here. She was placed beside Jake after introducing herself, to be honest I was jealous of how much they were getting along all day, I swear to God I remember nothing from any of my classes because I was staring at her all day quickly turning before she looked at me to avoid eye contact because I would’ve felt weird if she saw me. Finally it was the end of the school day ~I made it through an entire day without any contact with James I guess it’s time to meet Jake and head home~ I always knew the universe hated me but this was beyond hate.

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