ᴀ ʏᴇᴀʀ ᴏꜰ ꜱʟᴀꜱʜ

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The fourth day of your anniversary week, and you couldn't wait to spend it with Slash. Smut included.

Thursdays were the days you spent with Slash, so you weren't surprised when Slash showed up at your bedroom door holding a box with a fairly sheepish grin on his face. You beckoned him in with your index finger, and he wasted no time in flopping onto your large bed as you put away the nail polish you'd just been about to use.

"Hi there, baby," he yawned, he'd obviously not long woken up, shuffling himself around to lay down on one of your pillows.

"Morning, gorgeous," your eyes landed on the box, excitement running through you at the idea of what photos could be in there.

You appreciated the sentiments behind this week, so many memories you'd forgotten had even ever happened, you hoped it was something you'd all start doing more frequently.

"I'm gonna guess you know what's in here?" Slash asked, you nodded in response and grinned, "alright, let's get started."

Before you could even say anything back, he opened the box and tipped it upside down, the entire pile of photos leaving a mountain on your bed. The first one you picked up was a photo of you and Slash's mom, the first time you'd met her. God, you remembered how nervous you'd been, but it had gone a lot better than you thought it would have...

"Sweetheart, please, sit down for a minute?" Slash begged as you paced around the living room, you could feel yourself beginning to sweat.

"What if she doesn't like me? What if she doesn't like this relationship? Oh, god, she's gonna hate me..." you trailed off, pressing the palms of your hands to your face as you shook your head.

"She is not gonna hate you, how could anybody hate you? She'll love you!" he tried to reassure you, taking his lower lip between his teeth.

"Is this dress alright? It's too long isn't it? She's going to think I'm fake. Wait, maybe it's too short, she's going to think I'm a-"

"Babe, relax! You're fine, it'll be fine," Slash stood up and wrapped his arms around you to get you to stop pacing, a small chuckle leaving his lips.

"Your dress is perfect, you look perfect, Mom is going to love you. I promise."

So you'd hesitantly followed Slash along to his mother's house, the butterflies in your stomach were so overwhelming you considered the thought that there might actually be insects inside of you. The idea made you visibly shudder as he parked his car outside the house.

You climbed out of the passenger's seat and smoothed out your dress, taking a deep breath as Slash casually smiled your way. He raised an eyebrow when you merely stood still for a solid minute, and you suddenly realised your feet needed to actually move.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," you muttered to yourself as you stood beside him at the front door, almost debating turning around and running back home.

He pressed the doorbell, running a hand through his curly locks as he watched your flustered expression grow even more worried. He knew you had nothing to be scared of, he'd spoken about you enough to know his Mom would be fine.

The front door opened and you were suddenly engulfed into a surprising hug, you squealed in response but wrapped your arms around the woman regardless.

You could hear Slash chuckling as you both pulled back and his mother greeted you.

"It's lovely to meet you! Slash has told me all about you, you're even more beautiful in person than in pictures," her smile was warm and genuine, and you felt yourself relaxing at once.

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