Chapter 2. Faye

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Faye Valentine plopped down on the familiar yellow couch, searching the cushions for someone's forgotten pack of cigarettes. She had run out hours ago, and Jet kept his stash well hidden from her. The idiot who normally occupied the couch liked to believe that his stash was also safely hidden from her. She wasn't stupid enough to take his whole pack, just a few, and she would return the pack to his hiding place, he'd never know the difference.

Faye found it ridiculously easy to distract the idiot. She'd furtively watch him stuff his pack deep into the cushions of the couch. Then she would casually stroll in the room where he was stretched out, heave a big sigh and head toward the chair next to him. She would casually mention how full she was, having found a delicious bit of leftovers in the fridge. Spike, who was always hungry, would pop his head up from the couch at the mention of food and glare at her, eye twitching, while he'd grumble about gypsies who couldn't keep their fuckin' paws off someone else's stuff. She'd find that quite hilarious coming from him, since he would be first to snatch up anything edible, leaving (he thought) no one the wiser. Then he would insult her with some stupid, biting comment, and she'd struggle to maintain her haughty expression, while inside she'd feel a small tinge of hurt at his remark. It always made her angry, and the two of them would inevitably engage in another insult contest. She'd end up stomping out of the room, muttering profanities about the stupid ass.

Faye's fingers touched something deep within the cushion and pulled out the half-empty, crumpled pack - just a few left, but it was fine. She lit one and inhaled in nicotined relief, glancing around the room to make sure she was alone. She sometimes wondered if it was ever worth it. Spike never seemed to notice when he hurt her feelings, and she sure as hell wasn't going to let him see. Jet always knew, though. He could always see through her façade, though thankfully he never said anything. His eyes would meet hers and something unspoken would pass between them.

Faye swallowed the lump in her throat as she pulled fiercely on the cigarette, exhaling rings of smoke towards the ceiling fan.

As she smoked in silence, she heard the hangar door open. She looked up to see Spike slouching in. She nodded and looked away, not wanting him to see in her eyes what she was feeling. He walked over to the couch and sank himself onto the cushion next to her.

"I see you found my stash." He chuckled as he reached for the pack in her hand, his hand brushing hers briefly. Her eyes grew wide and she glanced up at him. How could he know? She tensed at his touch and snatched her hand away.

"How do you know those aren't mine?" she snapped, her green eyes flashing as she frowned at him. Damn him, she thought, irritated with herself. Why do I always let him get to me?

"So, you're smoking my brand now, huh?" he countered, gazing at her with those mismatched brown eyes, grinning at her discomfort.

Faye ignored him, puffing away sulkily. His smile … fuck, he's too close. She tried not to breathe in the scent of him. It was just like the idiot to invade her personal space and her thoughts. She did not need to hear his voice right now.

She closed her eyes, trying to shut out his voice, that voice that made her heart ache. The two sat in silence for awhile, each lost in their own thoughts.

"Faye ..."

She heard him call her and ignored him.

"Faye?" He called her name again.

"What?" she snapped, cracking open an eye and whipping her head towards him.

"I just want you to know that ... I could … care for you."

Faye's heart skipped a beat as she looked at him. He was slouched against the cushions, long legs stretched out, his eyes closed as he took another drag of his cigarette. She did not trust herself to answer for fear of the words that might escape from her lips.

"Spike, I…"

"Just shut up, Faye," he said softly, exhaling a long stream of smoke in her direction.

Faye knew how hard it was for him to open up to anyone, and his words that she needed to hear. She leaned back against the cushions, willing herself to breathe. She exhaled, the sound escaping like a sigh. And her heart smiled.

Come Down in Timeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें