tsukki in their gc

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Rod: :o

Speedy: what is it rod

Bea: yeah what is it

Rod: do you still remember that guy who looks like jesus?

Swift: yes rod why still

Rod: i was thinking what was he really

Speedy: pls rod we dont need to talk about this is 5 in the morning😑

Bea: yeah rod its late...

Tsukki was added in the chat

Tsukki: damm them kicking me out of tje chat for a hour well atleast i can noe do someth...

Speedy: uhh who are you

Bea: sir your im the wrong chat

Tsukki: wait how im here what did they add me to

Swift: your in are top wing gc im swift from top wing academy

Tsukki: academy? How old you guys even are

Swift: well im 12 so

Tsukki: wait your twelve huh still a child

Swift: im not child im a blue jay

Tsukki: what blue jeans


Penny: hey leave my swift i mean are swift alone!

Tsukki: so your in love with him even your still kids too pfft

Penny: why are you acting like this

Rod: because he sounds like a salty person

Tsukki: im still dont know why im here but the child

Rod: im not a child im a rooster

Tsukki: say that again chicken


Speedy: okay enought cadets sir you need to leave now

Tsukki: what if i dont?

Speedy:uh...l will...

Tsukki: you dont know how to kick people out your like those kids too

Speedy:hey im the boss...

Bea: instructor of top wing academy

Tsukki: sad he not a boss but an instructor i mean who even follow you boss

Speedy:the cadets follow me ok get out now!

Brody: wait is that tsukkishima from haikyuu!

Tsukki: what kid?

Swift: you know him brody

Brody:hes in a show call haikyuu and that jesus was asahi

Tsukki: you know asahi

Brody:i was watching their series and they play volleyball

Tsukki: hey toucan im talking here!!

Brody: o sorry i didnt know

Yamaguchi was added to the chat

Yamaguchi: tsukki i found you come on lets leave this chat you can come back now

Tsukki: its about time i was insulting these people anyways

Yamaguchi: tsukki🤨

Tsukki: dont worry atleast we can just leave now

Tsukki and yamaguchi left the chat

Speedy:good they left

Rod: hey brody can i watch with you?

Brody:sure rod come on!

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