Minecraft with swift and rod

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Swift: hey guys its swift

Rod: and rod

Swift: and today were gonna play minecraft

Rod: a game where everything is blocky

Swift: lets start now


Rod: alright swift where are you?

Swift: im here breaking some wood

Rod: how can you break wood?

Swift: everything can be break

Rod: cool

Swift: except bedrock

Rod: what bedrock?

...10 minutes later...

Rod: swift im think my hunger bar is almost out

Swift: go kill those chickens over their

Rod: no!

Swift: why?

Rod: their my kind

Swift: its just minecraft rod

... about 2 hours later...

Swift: so we went to a cave and found some gold,lapiz and...

Rod: diamonds!!

Swift: diamonds!

Rod: o wait nevermind it just a zombie wearing a enchant diamond armor and a enchant diamond sword




You die

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