A Cruel Fairytale

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(Kei POV)

My mother was sitting on the sofa and my head was resting on her lap.

With one hand she gently stroke my hair and with the other, she held a fairytale book.

With all the expressions and gestures, she narrated the story.

It was a precious experience.

Because I felt warmth.

Not a warmth you would feel when your sitting next to a fireplace and crackling noises of the firewood make you comfortable on a fine Christmas Eve.


It was warmth that is only felt through love.

A warmth that you feel when your next to some one you truly love.

"And they live happily ever after." She said as she closed the book and kissed my forehead.

'Happily ever after'.

These three magic words were enough to light up the expression of every other normal girl.

And make no mistake. I too was a normal girl, At that time at least.

The idea of getting married to a  handsome prince charming was every girl's dream.

And hearing those three magic words rekindles that dream.

Hearing those words, I enthusiastically asked my mother a vey innocent question.

"Will I too get a happy ever after?" 

Being the kind mother that she was, she couldn't help but say yes.

"Of course sweet heart. Your prince charming would be the handsomest of them all."

I happily giggled at her response. 

Why wouldn't I?

I was assured the handsomest prince.

But the reality was a little different.

The thought that until I get my prince charming, I will be treated as a princess, was naïve.

I was shown hell in middle school, I was bullied in all forms.

But I made my peace with that.

In all honesty, it made me a little happy.

As I was just like one of those fairytale heroines who had to go through suffering. 

I was sure that if I waited enough, my prince charming will come.

So I waited.

Just like all those princesses who waited for their hero.

My suffering was just like that in a fairytale.

Like how cinderalla was forced to do house work by an evil step mother and the ugly sisters, I too was forced to do the cleaning duties of my classmates after school.

But it was alright, since my prince charming will come to save me. So I waited.

Like how snow white ate a poisoned apple, I too was forced to eat lunch boxes that were filled with insects.

But it was alright, since my prince charming will come to save me. So I waited.

Like how sleeping beauty slept for 100 years, I too slept on the hospital bed after I was given a beating.

But it was alright, since my prince charming will come to save me. So I waited.

My desk was filled with cockroaches, My hair was pulled, I was shamed publicly, garbage was dumped at me, my shoes were stolen, my backpack was thrown into the pool.

But it was alright, since my prince charming will come to save me. So I waited.

I waited. I waited. I waited. I waited. I waited. I waited. I waited.

I waited. I waited. I waited. I waited. I waited. I waited. I waited. 



But in the end.....

My prince charming never came.

And here I am. 

In the depth of this cruise, pinned against the wall.

Desperately trying to escape the gaze of that man but to no avail.

Our eyes were locked. 

There was no hint of romance. Just darkness.

"From now on I will protect you in exchange for your services."

He whispered into my ear making my entire soul shiver.

The only question I was asking myself at that time was...

'Since when did things started to go wrong?'

Was it when I entered my middle school?

Or was it when I stood up to those bullies?

I don't know.


Actually, I knew.

It started to go wrong when I asked my mother if I will have my ' happily ever after'

Now, I know the harsh reality.

That I can never get a prince charming.

That I am not supposed to be happy.

That's my fate.

The only way to live now is to accept it.

So what if I never get a prince charming?

So what if I never get a knight in a shining armor?

So what if..... I never get a happily ever after? 

I can still survive.

The only difference is...

That now, I have to make a deal with the devil.

"Are you okay with these arrangements?"

To this I reluctantly nodded.

But it's okay. 

After all it's a cruel world.

And a cruel fairytale.

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