Chapter 4: By Their Lonesome

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Part 1

Hiroka anxiously eyed his watch only to then look at the clock above his chalkboard. Last time they had a meeting she was very punctual, and though she had let him know in advance there was a possibility of her being late, it still made him nervous. He had an idea of what she wanted to talk to him about, but at this rate that man will walk into the middle of their conversation.

He tried getting his mind off things by shifting through the most recent assignments of his students.

"I feel sorry for stealing my older sister's blankets, but they help me sleep at night, I'm not a bad person!"

"I broke my dad's vase. I said I was sorry and he said it was okay, but I wish I didn't."

"I ate my lunch before lunchtime. I know I needed to wait, but I was hungry."

He couldn't help but laugh at the last one, children have the oddest confessions to make. He kept flipping through them, smiling, until he reached the one at the bottom of the stack. Before he could think about anymore, however, a loud crashing exploded from his left.

"Ex—cuse me," gasped a woman, staggering through the door. "I sorry.......I am late..."

"That's no problem at all Miss Asahino."

"Yes it is, it just.......took longer than I thought to check up on our dog at the vet. He injured himself...falling down a hill...."

"One of a kind, that Toshi."

Straightening her composure, she looked at him. "You know his name?"

"I've run into your son a few times outside of school. He was walking his dog one of those days."

"One of the times he was out with that girl you mean?"

.....ahh, she doesn't waste any time.

"Well, this particular time yes. He was."

"That is what I came to talk to you about Eikyo Sensei. His relationship with that girl."

"Of course," he said, gesturing to an empty chair. "I thought it'd be something like that."

The two were sitting in his classroom, the evening sun shining brightly through the window illuminating pictures, decorations, books, and of course, the two of them.

The days were starting to become warmer, and the environment around them reflected it. The air conditioning was on full blast and the always presentable Hiroka Eikyo folded up the sleeves of his dress shirt. As for the woman taking a seat, she was wearing a light blue dress jacket over a white blouse and long beige skirt.

For a woman so serious, she had a surprisingly feminine wardrobe. It complimented her.

"Eikyo sensei, forgive me for being blunt, but while I understand that this girl is in a precarious position from when we spoke last, it is no excuse for her behavior. I want her expelled for assaulting Yuuko."

He looked forward with interest. "Assault you say?"

"Yes, assault."

"That can't..........she hasn't hurt anyone in almost two weeks, the longest we've ever gone without a report against her."

"If that is so, it is all the more reason to take disciplinary action towards this girl." She pulled out her phone, and after tapping it a few times, presented the pictures on there.

".........when was this?"

"I found it on him the day before yesterday. When I asked, he said it was an accident, but that it had come from the girl."

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