Chapter 6: Words That Bond

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Part 1

Meyoshi looked from the woman to the dirt pitted boy; she didn't need any time to understand.

"Your son probably takes his habit of breaking into homes from you."

"Yet you take it upon yourself to abuse not just your daughter, but my son." her voice sounded frighteningly restrained.

"Tch. Teach your son some damned manners if you don't want others doing it for you!" She tried yanking back her belt with no success; the belt was wrapped around the ladle tighter than she initially thought.

"I will see you in prison for everything you have done."

"Coming from the people who broke into my home? I don't think so," she said, tugging at the belt again. "And who the hell brings a damn ladle with them wherever they go?!"

"Years ago, a certain person convinced me to start. You should be thankful, for your sake."

"Whatever! Get out of my house, all of you!"

"Step away from those children—"

"I said out!"

"—or I make you step away."

The woman in front of her spoke with that same restricted tone, it was clear she was having difficulty. Meyoshi stammered back, about to respond before a wizened voice croaked out.

"My son gave me a spare key after you changed the lock last time. We are not 'breaking' into your home."

Her confused stammers turned into anger. Her brows furrowed as her eyes focused on the woman in front of her. "Wretched hag! This is all your and his doing!"

"Not entirely," spoke the man supporting the elderly woman. "We initially came here to investigate a serious injury reported to be at the house of one of my students. Imagine our surprise when we entered said home to find a mother in the middle of brutalizing two kids."

She was about to offer a rebuttal, but was cut off. "And here you're usually so composed when accused. The act finally breaks down when you get caught, is that it?"

The woman let go of the belt still in her hand, stepping away slowly before stammering through ill-sounding laughs.

"H-How very right you are Mr. Teacher, I've nothing to worry about. This is discipline for one child, and punishment for another. I have nothing to hide, especially seeing as how two of the three of you already have a bias against me."

"Then you will speak to me." said Hikari, unraveling the belt and tossing it to one side. At the same time, she knelt down to check on the children who still held their position on the floor.

"Oh they're fine, a little discipline won't kill them."

Hikari ignored her words as she looked a frightened Yuya in the eye. Her pupils were wide, and was shaking so badly one might've thought it was the middle of winter.

"I'm sorry we couldn't make it sooner..." she whispered. "But everything is going to be okay now. Can you stand?"

She tried touching the young girl only for her to recoil in shock. She was surprised, she didn't think it was possible for a body so small to move so fast on its own. Even so, the young girl understood her words, soundlessly removing herself from atop Yuuko's body. Slowly, she picked the boy up and dragged him to one side. She froze, however, when a voice called out to her.

"And just where do you think you're going!?"

"I do believe I told you," said Hikari, standing up, "that you will speak to me."

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