Not so boring (Haikyuu)

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Akaashi locked up the gym for the night, shutting down the lights and putting the volleyballs back into the equipment shed. Bokuto was supposed to be helping, but he seemed hypnotised by something outside the window.

Opting against disturbing him, Akaashi finished the jobs by himself.

Most people would call Akaashi a pushover for letting Bokuto do what he wanted most of the time but Akaashi couldn't help but let the boy do whatever he wanted. Akaashi constantly felt himself be hypnotised by Bokuto much like Bokuto was by this thing outside the window. His every movement and actions seemed to stir something in Akaashi that nothing else did, almost a childish wonder at the boy. Akaashi constantly found himself wanting to learn everything about him like he was a different species.

Bokuto could be high-maintenance, thats for sure, but seeing Bokuto at his best was... ethereal. It gave Akaashi a euphoric high that not even drugs could give you.

"Bokuto-san, i'm locking up now" Akaashi stated as he walked over to the doors of the gym. His eyes drifted over to Bokuto, who broke his gaze with whatever he was looking at and ran over to Akaashi.
"Akaashi! You packed up? I didn't even notice!"

Most people would laugh and say that was a big fib , but honestly, with Bokuto it was very much believable.

The owl-like boy ran down the stairs and out onto the grass surrounding the gym. They had just missed the sunset but Bokuto lay down on the grass anyway, gesturing for Akaashi to join him. Confused, Akaashi still obliged with what the other boy suggested and joined him in the grass.

It was slightly damp, the type of damp that stays in your clothes for hours, but the grass itself was a light plush texture, unlike the spiky, unpleasant texture most grass had.

"Look at the sky Akaashi! isn't it amazing?!" Bokuto exclaimed, his eyes ecstatic over something as simple as the sky. Heh... this was why Akaashi loved found interest in Bokuto.

"Bokuto-san... it has just finished raining. The sky is just a murky grey" Akaashi's words took Bokuto a moment to process, almost like he didn't understand what Akaashi was saying.

"I don't understand how you could think this sky is dull"

"It's so monotone and boring. No one finds happiness in the colour grey"

These words caused Bokuto to shuffle up and face Akaashi.

"Akaashi. Look harder. This is no dull sky. It's the colour of sun after the rain, the colour of happiness following the darkness. The colour of a storm, violent and uncontrollable. There's so much freedom in the colour grey, so much potential. Don't you see the boundless beauty in that? I find myself getting so much more happiness from this quote-on-quote dull colour than any other "

Akaashi was left speechless.

"But most importantly Akaashi, it's the colour of your eyes"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2020 ⏰

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