Chapter 20 : Protective nest

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It was the most beautiful dress Adeline had ever see. The lady who made it had done an amazing job. 

The dress was a deep blue navy, with a velvet bodice that had three quarter length sleeves and a wide neckline. The skirt was huge and puffy, falling down to Addie's knees. When she spun around it flew up in a big circle. 

The sleeves had tiny little red, gold and dark green embroidered flowers around the edges, similar to the bottom of the skirt that was plumped up with tulle. 

Addie personally couldn't wait for the twenty third of December when they would be holding the annual Kingston Christmas Ball, which was known as one of the most elite events of the holiday.

The rest of the week seemed to whiz by as Addie and her brothers, paticularly James, got even more excited about Christmas. 

All day on the 23rd of December people were preparing for the ball that evening. Addie found it fascinating how long it too to fold the napkins and place the cutlery out perfectly. 

The kitchen was even more busy with the whole kitchen full of people, it was at maximum capacity with over thirty chefs using all the ovens. Addie watched in awe as glistening ducks were cooked, potatoes roasted and vegetables roasted. 

A huge ballroom was were the dinner was going to be held, Addie couldn't help but roll her eyes at that the fact that there was a ballroom in their house. Like every other room in the house it had been decked out in elegant ornaments with an impossibly high ceiling and a giant chandelier hanging. 

At one end of the room there was a balcony about 5 metres above the floor, leading to a doorway and to somewhere else Addie hadn't discovered. 

Similar to thanksgiving when the guests started arriving Addie and her brothers lined up by the door, the older few greeting all the guests individually. Her younger brothers were much more tense than usual, Elijah even scolded Addie when she was over a metre away from one of her brothers, much to her annoyance. 

Addie could see the flashing lights from cameras outside taking photos. It didn't go unnoticed how Elijah placed his body so she and James were hidden from their view.

When Harlan entered the ballroom by the wide, grand staircase everyone froze. All eyes swivelled to him as he stepped down the stairs. Confusion was evident on Addie's face as she watched some of the men bowing their heads slightly as he walked past them. The same curtesy was extended to herself and her brothers much to Addie's discomfort. 

There must have been up to two hundred guests in the room. The men were decked out in dashing suits with black bow ties with polished shoes. The ladies were decked to the dozens with beautiful ball gowns on from every colour under the sun, expensive looking jewellery was donned by each women and elegant hairstyles were the norm. 

The orchestra in the corner suddenly started playing and the men and women waltzed onto the floor. Addie heard James snickering at the sight of Harlan who was dancing with a women on the floor, he looked at ease but Addie could see the tense in his brows. 

Harrison and Joe were equally occupied and she spied Thomas, Riley and James standing next to a waiter, picking food of his tray, engaged with the selections. 

"May I have this dance?" Addie giggled as Elijah bowed down in front of her, his hand proffered to her. 

Addie took his hand as he wrapped his hand around her back. Addies awkward steps were covered up by Elijah's calculated moves. 

"I didn't know you could dance." Addie said as she tried to keep up.

"Harlan insisted I learnt now that I turned 17, so I can participate" He groaned. He seemed to notice her predicament as he lifted by her waist instead, making it much easier for both of them. 

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