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            I looked out my window at the empty street

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            I looked out my window at the empty street. The sun beginning to fade on the horizon. I felt the cold water against my lips as I sipped the cup in my hand.  " What's on your mind Meadow? " my mother asked " Nothing" "oh okay" It was 1 day before summer vacation and to be honest I was excited, but at that moment in the silent beauty, I wished the day wouldn't end.

           I poured the rest of the water into the sink and went up to my room. I shut the door behind me and sit on my bed. I play with my hands the stand up again then sit. I looked out the window and saw how beautiful the sunset was... I scaled the sky with my hand. I got my sketchbook out and began to prepare my watercolors.

           I looked outside again and began to paint the sunset. I always did this ever since I've known. I like the way the color of the sky changed from blue to orange to pink to purple to navy to black with dotted stars. I smiled at myself as I finished my painting holding it out to look at my final product.


           I smiled and put my sketchbook down. Tomorrow school would be over just 1  more day till summer vacation. It might be the same as always. Sleep.Sketch.Eat and repeat. That was basically every summer.

            I sighed and stood up again the sky was getting darker. I heard a sound at my window. I walk to the window and saw --- Kasper. He was waving at me through the window. I opened it up. " Hey, Meadow can you come down. Max is having a party tonight, " Kasper, Max, Adina, and I had been friends for a long time. 

           We meet in middle school I was the new kid and practically had no friends and I felt like an outcast but Adina, Max, and Kasper started talking to me and that was the start of our friendship. They always protected me and for that, I loved them to pieces. They were the sibling I never had.

" Again! "


"Okay let me change!"


          I smiled and quickly change out my clothes and put on a navy blue dress with some converse high top sneakers. I raked my hands through my curl and put eyeliner and some lip gloss. I looked in the mirror and smiled. I walked to my window opened it high enough to climb through it. I sidestepped on the roof before climbing down the makeshift bridge to the old tree house before jumping down to Kasper.

 "You look nice"

           "Thanks " I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and smiled at my feet as we began to walk to his bicycle.  I hopped on the back of the bike and he handed me a helmet and I put it on and he began to cycle to Max's house. " Can you believe that school is over tomorrow?" "Yea. what are gonna do this summer" "nothing," "Okay" " What?" he smiled and shook his head. "Meadow Simmons You are the most boring person know" I laughed " Thanks for the compliment. you are also the most boring person I know."   


           He pulled up to Max's house. There was loud music playing from inside. I got off the bike and took the helmet off. Kasper held on to my hand as he leads me inside the house. The music got louder and the people inside were going hard. "WOW MAX REALLY KNOWS HOW TO THROW A PARTY!!!" I yelled over the music. "WHAT!!!!" "NEVERMIND!!"  We found Max in the kitchen playing beer pong with another group of guys.

            He seemed out of it a typical thing for him to do. Adina was by the sink stuffing her face with food. I smiled when she saw me. I walked over to her. " Hey, gurl," she leaned in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around her. " how are you Love," She pulled the chicken apart with her hands as she put a piece in her mouth. " It's going well and you" "good love" She smiled. When she finished her food she washed her hands and began to pull me to the crowd of people on the dance floor. 

         We began to dance. it was really fun she and I started jumping around as we soon each other over and over again. We laughed out of breath. "I love you Meadow. I'm glad you and I are friends" " I love you too Adina" I smiled and she giggled. 


After the party. Kasper rode me home on his bike. I walked up the ladders to the treehouse and across the bridge to the roof and sidestepped to my window. I climbed back in. and quickly change back into my pajamas. I walked downstairs to find my mother sitting there in there. She sipped her cup. "Where were you?" "With Max, Kasper, and Adina" She nodded before saying goodnight to me. I went back upstairs to my room and crawled under my covers and closed my eyes


Hi there...

bye tehe😊😋🙃🤭


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