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            I woke up after my alarm sounded off. Today was the last day of school. I took a shower and change into my blue cropped top with my denim shorts. I rushed downstairs and saw my mom and dad sitting together eating breakfast. "mourning honey!" they chirped in unison. " Mourning," I said back before grabbing a banana and some crackers. I kissed their cheeks before dashing out the door. Max was honking on the horn. "Hurry up!" I climbed inside the car to see Meadow and Kasper in the back.

"Hey loves," I said to them. 

They smiled and Max began to drive. He had the radio blasting away. "there some Os in this house, there some Os in this house, there some Os in this house. I said certified freak. 7 days a week"  I sang and Meadow joined along.

 We were in the second verse when Max pulled up into the school parking lot. "Okay" I took a deep breath and linked arms with Meadow as we walked into the school building. Once inside we said bye to each other and headed to our first class. I had a Gym class. I walked into the locker room and changed into my gym clothes. I smiled to myself as I thought I won't be needing you till never.

"Ladies and gentlemen as y'all know this is the last day of school, you have free play you can do whatever you want as long as it is gym related."

I sat down on the grass in the field and let the sun hit my face...


I open my eyes and see this girl standing over me. "Hi?" She sat down " My name is Dani" I knew her I'd seen her a few times but I never put my mind to it.


She started talking about her self and basically everything I didn't care about. 

The bell rang and I leaped to my feet. 

"Bye uh Dani"

"Bye Adina"


I walked into the cafeteria and got my lunch. 

I saw Max, Meadow, and Kasper laughing at a joke Max probably made. I walk to my usual seat next to Max. "hey guys What's so funny?" I said taking a scoop of my applesauce. Meadow giggled and Kasper chuckled. "Okay so---" 

"Hey guys we are throwing an end of the year bonfire party and we were hoping that you guys will come along." Ally and Corey beamed. Max took a flier and looked at Meadow, Kasper, and I. He had his knowing smile on his face. we couldn't help smiling. Knowing Max he's practically down for any kind of party. 

"We'll be going," 

"EEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeee!" Corey and Ally bounced up and down before moving on to the other kids. 

"Really Max"  

Max smirked and nodded "Yes Adi"

I play punched his arm and he laughed.

" So Mister Party Goer When are you going to pick us up." Max pretended to think about it for a second before saying 7 o'clock. I nodded and took a bite of my food. Definitely not gonna miss this poison they call "food."  I looked up to see Kasper and Meadow talking to each other. Meadow kept giggling at what he was saying. Kasper blushed as she threw her head to the side. His eyes roamed the side of her neck to her face.

Could it be, do they LIKE each other? 

I smiled to myself I knew what I had to do this summer. Get Meadow and Kasper to express their feeling. 

I was so lost in my mind that I didn't hear Max tell me we had to go. 

"What" I coughed.

"Come on we have Bio" I sighed


"Max stop IT!!" Max giggle as he held a piece of the frog leg to me.

" Ahhh!"  I squealed and jumped. "Miss S. This is not a playground. " Sorry" I mumbled. I hit Max in the arm. That went on for a while before the bell signaled the end of the day.

I grabbed my bag and hauled it over my shoulder. "SCHOOLS OVER!!!!" Somebody yelled from the right. Kids flooded the halls as they rushed outside. 

Max was at his car by the time I got there. "Hey, Adi" I opened the door and took a seat in the front. Meadow and Kasper walk together awkwardly " Don't they make a great couple Max," I nodded towards them. He chuckled " Yea I guess they do" 

Kasper opened the door for Meadow and she sat down. She thanked him in a soft voice and he scooted in. " All set " "yea"


After dropping Kasper and Meadow. Max drove to my house. I walked to the front of my door and looked back. He stood behind his car door. " I'll pick you up at 8 okay. " "Sure whatever you say."

"You are such a firecracker Adi." he chuckled before tipping his imaginary hat. I stood by the door as I watch him drive away. I sighed and went into my house...


hey there sorry for the slow updates 

love you guys


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