The Angel

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Enzo’s point of View

I remember waking up cold. I could feel dirt underneath my fingernails and I could barely breathe. I tried to move but I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I soon realized I was underground and I had been stabbed. Despite the pain I needed air. My pounding head would kill me before my wound did. I clawed my way out the dirt and fell into the topsoil with a hard thud. All the panting and breathing made more blood rush out my wound. I placed my hoodie over my wound and limped towards the street. I made it to the sidewalk before I fell. As my eyes closed I could feel arms on me lifting me. I was saved. It didn’t hurt when I fell from heaven but I broke a nail crawling out of hell. My name is Enzo. I was a solider of heaven who came with a purpose but I got caught using my powers to spy on a certain human and got sent to 2nd circle for Lust. I broke free because I needed to save him.

Tony’s point of view

It had been 2 weeks since Danny ended what we had. I never wanted to kill myself more but he had my soul so all I could do was cut and bleed and feel pain. I gave him my everything and he took it. I gave him my heart to fix his broken one but his ex was in town and he wasn’t over him yet. I went about my normal life. The Night he dumped me I found my mom dead in the living room. Kevin and his mom were the first ones to my house. Kevin’s Mom Katheryn helped organize a remembrance for her. She had to be cremated; my job at the bookstore couldn’t pay for a casket. The day of my mother’s Wake I wore the same black Tux my dad bought me for junior prom that I wore to his wake service. Kevin’s mom held the wake at her house. I was surprised at how many people decided to show up but couldn’t bother to give my mother a damn intervention for drinking. It was all fake crying and sob stories and I could bear to watch it. I passed by the food table and grabbed some cheese and wine making my way for the backyard. I was literally alone for two seconds before I heard the door open behind me. Kevin walked up and nudged me.

“Why are you out here all alone?

“I don’t like these types of social gatherings”

“Hey I know this is hard for you losing both of your parents and I’ve been too busy with basketball for us to hang out any but were gonna start hanging out again. My mom wanted me to tell you as soon as your room is finished you’re moving with us and you can stay as long as you like”

Katheryn was a Real-estate agent and mad a lot of money and had a huge house with 5 rooms. The only room that wasn’t finished was the one above us with the balcony. I think having a room that nice would top every birthday and Christmas gift I never got.

“This means a lot to me Kevin it really does and you guys are like family to me. I don’t know how I could ever think you and your mom for helping me out last night.

“You are family and we love you. I had no idea your mom started drinking so bad after your dad died”

No one really seen my mom drink except when she came home but that always seen her going out to the bar and finding her way home. It was painful to her sob all night over the death of my father. I started crying I have no idea why but the tears fell. Kevin grabbed me and whipped my tears. I wanted to be held that’s all I needed but I could push myself to ask for any more than this. I moved back which mad me let me go.

“I needed that”

“I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now but I’m here and ill hug you a million times if you need to. I just want you to know I’m here for you now”

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