sengoku vs genesis

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riders, vs riders, sengoku driver users vs genesis driver users, one team is suppierior compared to the others, it's life or death


y/n sengoku driver: SOIYA! BANANA SPARKING!


gaim stabs the bana spear in the ground as energy bananas strike at zangetsu and the other riders

zanegtsu: that won't work, take aim, sonic volley

sonic arrow; LOCK ON! Melon Energy!

zanegetsu: i'm not sorry

tyrone sengoku driver: KIWI SQUASH!

ryugen: Spinning Hoop!

ryugen throws his kiwi gekrin as they turn into kiwi slices...but he misses

ryugen: w-what

???: you missed, thanks to outside forces

baron: grr, didn't expect you to betray us sid

sid: i work for who pays the most

gaim: he's not an npc?

sid: never was

sid then charges an arrow at baron

???: (Guitar riff) Blood Orange Arms! Ja no michi on stage!

gaim: e-eh? me?

gaim: no, i'm from the game world, i thought i help this one time, by the way, my name is bujin gaim

gaim: w-what?

bujin gaim: genesis riders, your an abomination to the word rider, take off those fake belts and hand over your lock seed

zangetsu: and if we don't?

bujin gaim: let sid be an example

bujin sengoku driver: Blood Orange Sparking!

bujin gaim takes his blood daidaimaru and, in a blink of an eye, takes down sid in one sweep

zangetsu: your strong

bujin gaim:...we'll meet again

bujin gaim then leaves the battle feild

zangetsu:...i need to go back to base and work on kachidoki arms, riders retreat

gaim: grr


y/n: why would riders attack us?

kaito: to prove their strength

tyrone: inves are humans? devon is gone, but, i have a plan

y/n: heh, heist time?

tyrone: not really, get all the riders you know and meet me back here at 5 lit

y/n: heh, this is gonna go good

location change - kaito

???: so you want me to help you out

kaito: i know you have a lockseed and sengoku driver zack

zack: grr, in that case

kaito: save it for the inves, i need your help as leader of team barron

zack:...heh, okay, i'll help

location change y/n

y/n: so, kirito, you'll join us in alo?

kirito: sure, anything to help

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