Prologue: It Takes An Army

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Temple of Resurrection - Garmadon's POV

It's been 2-3 years after Harumi died and I lost control of Ninjago City, but the Ninja were gone, which did give me a huge chunk of time to plan my return. For this return, I needed some major power players. Pythor, I know, was one, but he was tough to convince. I needed an army. An army of -- Skulkin? No, they've been banished to the Underworld for eternity. Serpentine? No, Pythor now controls all tribes. Plus, they've found a gateway to the Departed Realm, I heard. I thought about this. If I get to the Departed Realm, I get to Clouse, and if I get to Clouse, I can --! 

I realized something. I never got to officially train Harumi before she died. That was my plan. To bring her back stronger. Much much stronger. With Clouse's help, I can give her power. Not power over Ninjago, no. RAW, UNTAMED POWER. HAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAAAAA! 

(cut to Kyrptarium Prison, later that night. It would be in ruins, and dead guards would be everywhere, and Lord Garmadon would be marching towards the Lost City of Ouroboros with the Sons of Garmadon.)

The Lost City of Ouroboros - Pythor's POV

"LADIESSS AND GENTLEMEN, FANGPYRE AND HYPNOBRAI, VENOMARI AND CONSSSTRICTAI! WE HAVE ACHIEVED... NECROMANCY!" I pulled a lever next to me, which opened a gate, revealing a portal to the Departed Realm. "And now," I proclaimed, but then stopped. I didn't know the spell to access the Departed Realm, but I know who did. And that someone had just slaughtered the entire Kryptarium Prison staff and was headed my way. 

I turned to my right to see some thugs in skull face-paint climbing up the front gate. "Ssserpentine! Ssstop them," I shouted, but it was too late. Half of them got over, one of them being this young lady with stone-grey skin, a black ponytail, and a black-and-purple leather jacket. This one pulled out a crowbar and started to pry the door open, but that was when I decided to take matters into my own hands. I slithered off of my podium and whacked this crazy biker girl with my staff. She turned and stared me dead in the face. "Purple'sss my thing," I said, having thought of nothing else to say. "What 'cha gonna do about it," she said in a mocking tone as she finished prying open the door.

It was an all-out pandemonium from there. I watched helplessly as the Serpentine wrestled the Sons of Garmadon, but that was until the big bad guy himself spoke up. "ENOUGH," Lord Garmadon said, blasting us all back, "now, now. Can we talk this out like CIVILIZED PEOPLE?!" I was offended. "Civilized people?!" I retorted, "they're thievesss, murderersss, sssupervillainsss!" Garmadon scoffed. "Nothing less than you," he snapped back, "now, I heard you have unlocked the ability to pull people from the Departed Realm." "Not exactly," I reminded him, "we don't know how to open the portal." 

Garmadon scoffed again. "It's a simple spell really," he said, and proceeded to chant in... Ancient Oni, was it? And he called it "simple?" I've yet to learn more about this man. "Pythor," he said as he finished chanting, "we have souls to collect." Oh, yes, I forgot. The very reason we installed this portal was to resurrect that sorcerer Clouse, but as we entered, his eyes seemed to be fixed on someone else, some girl with long white bangs and a spiked jacket. Who was she? Little did I know, I was about to find out.

Harumi's POV

I opened my eyes to the surprisingly not blinding light, coming to realize it was night, and I was in some kind of desert? I looked to my left, then my right. On either side was Pythor and Garmadon. "Wh-where am I?" In front of me stood Clouse. "Welcome to the Army of Darkness, Empress Harumi," he bowed before me. I smiled wickedly to myself. What a time to be alive...

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