Chapter 8 - A Call for Help

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Dead's End - Kai's POV

Aw man. I never thought I'd have to arrive back here again, where I was enslaved and tortured by Iron Baron, all for the purpose of hunting dragons, something we were already against. However, the days of Iron Baron are long gone, and now a new leader takes the throne. 

"Faith," I asked as we stood before her new throne made of scrap metal rather than dragon bones, "we have come here for your assistance." "Assistance, you say?" she responded, "what for?" "We need chains," Cole said, "a crap ton." "We have all the chain you need, Ninja," she gestured to a nearby hut, "just ask Arkade. He makes them." 

We decided to stop by Arkade's hut for chains. "Ninja," he greeted us, "thanks again for ridding us of that tyrant Iron Baron. In return, how may we be of service?" "We need a lot of chains," Skylor said, "we need to take down an Oni Titan back in Ninjago. It's just like catching a dragon, back in your day." "Well, then," Arkade replied, "take my entire stock! BOYS," he called to Muzzle and Daddy No Legs, who loaded a massive chain supplement onto the Dieselnaut, "WE'RE GOING HUNTING!" "And we're coming with you," said Faith, leading an army of Dragon Hunters, armed with chain guns. "Do we have enough travelers' tea to get back?" Nya asked. "Sadly, no," I responded, "but that's okay. We have dragons here, right?" "Indeed you do," Faith chimed in, "now, off to Ninjago!" And with that, we all entered a massive portal created by the Firstbourne, and marched back to Ninjago City.

Dark Bounty (Cell Block) - Lloyd's POV

I awoke to find myself in a cell, along with Master Wu. Just great. As if being hurled halfway across the city wasn't enough, now I was here, rotting in jail. I woke up at around 3 am the next morning to the sound of jingling keys, and the opening of the cell door. "Harumi?!" I was confused, "but why are you--" "Keep it down," she whispered, "or your father will kill me." 

I didn't buy it. "If this is a trick," I told her, "you might as well leave me here. You know our hideout, you've asserted your dominance, what else is there to hide from you that you don't already know?" "Why do you think I'm letting you out, then?" she asked, "look, I've decided to take a moment to consider what you said back there. I tried seeing beyond my evil ways. I saw a way I could redeem myself, but I had to gain your trust. What could I do?"

Harumi's POV

"Do you hear something?" a SOG goon asked from the top deck. "I don't know, ssseemsss kinda sssuss to m-!" A serpentine goon was about to answer, but I choked both of them with my power, dropping their bodies on the deck above us. "That's good," Lloyd said, satisfied. 

"Now, back to the mission at hand," Master Wu said to me, "you have to get us out of here." "I have just the plan," I explained, heading up to the top deck, "but you'll have to lis--!" I was interrupted by Jay holding me to the front mast, his nunchucks two inches from my neck. "Not one more step, Harumi," he said heroically. "Where's Lloyd?" Zane asked, aiming his bow at me. "Right here," Lloyd said, coming upstairs to the top deck, "you can let go of her, she's safe. She's the one helping us get out of here." 

"Now, now," I said, getting back to the point, "lower your voices if you don't want to get caught. We'll travel on foot, across the rooftops, quickly and quietly." "Question," Zane interrupted, "where will we go?" "The base is a definite no-no," Jay pointed to the smoking heap of rubble that remained of the HQ on the outskirts of Ninjago. "How about the Destiny's Bounty?" I suggested, "it's hi-tech, advanced, and it's even got its own defense system!" "No, no, she's got a point," Lloyd added, proceeding to jump to the nearest rooftop. I nodded to the others as we scaled building after building to get to the Bounty. After Pixal helped us set up base again, Lloyd and I sat together, watching the sunset, knowing we were once again a couple.

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