Chapter 1- Just Us

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Patrick Hocksetter was currently laying in bed with Henry Bowers cuddling eachother. It was around noon & both of the boys were at Henry's house since his father wasn't getting home until later than usual so Henry had let Patrick inside. The most that they would do was make out & cuddle since anything else was too gay for Henry & he didn't want to go that far. All of the lights in the room were off the only source of light being the outside light & a small lamp on the bedside table. Henry was laying on top of Patrick's chest while Patrick had his arms wrapped around his figure. Patrick had been over for around a good two hours, they never spoke much to eachother when they were in private but sometimes they could have a decent conversation with eachother if they were both in the mood for it. Patrick didn't even know why they were doing this but he remembered the day that it had started when they were around the age of fourteen two years after the junkyard situation. Sometimes Patrick felt quite used but he never said anything about it. Henry would never admit over his own dead body that he was gay, it was a sin to many & with this town being as homophobic as it was it just wouldn't be possible. Part of the reason why he wanted to do this was to feel affection which was something that the blond had never felt before with his childhood being absolutely horrible he just wanted to feel better. Henry still wasn't over his mother he still missed her daily but he understood perfectly why she never took him with her it would've been too dangerous but she was probably laying dead somewhere which was something Henry tried not to think about too much but his thoughts got the better of him. He even put on her red lipstick behind his fathers back just to remember her. His father had always told him that he had his mother's image he had her blue eyes & her face & that was something that his father used against Henry calling him by his mothers name when he was drunk & treating him just like how he treated her & that was something that the blond couldn't stand. Henry felt weird around Patrick, that kid was creepy & sometimes he didn't want to be left alone with him for too long but other times he secretly enjoyed the company.
As soon as Henry's father got home Patrick would have to leave through the window since it was the only option. Butch hated Patrick since he was the weird creepy kid & his background of a dead brother didn't help him any he Butch didn't want Patrick anywhere near Henry. Henry sat up a little bit & Patrick loosened his grip around the boy letting him sit. Patrick smiled up at him slightly but Henry didn't smile back but instead leaned down a little & kissed Patrick gently closing his eyes & Patrick kissed back. They were like this for a good couple of minutes until the sound of a vehicle pulling into the driveway could be heard & Henry sprung up off of Patrick & looked through the window seeing that his fathers police car was there. Patrick got up off of the bed & walked over towards a different window to get out, he lifted it up then turned to face Henry & Henry faced him. Patrick soon climbed out of the window & started to walk home whereas Henry closed & locked the window then walked back over towards his bed & layed back down staring up at the ceiling in silence.

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