✿ apples, mint, and pinewood

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in which reader and Draco hate each other, but smell each other in amortentia

enemies to lover type beat dhdhdh

word count: 1165

You entered the Great Hall with Hermione, Harry, and Ron, heading towards the Gryffindor table. You guys sat down and talked about your day, when suddenly a very strong scent filled your lungs.

"Do you guys smell that..?" you asked, your nose starting to hurt from how strong the scent became.

"What's the matter? I happen to think it smells lovely," Harry replied, sheepishly smiling at you.

"Oh god no, it smells horrible in here." You plugged your nose, trying not to gag. A few spots down across the table, you could hear the twins chuckle.

"What is it that you smell [Y/N]?" they asked in unison.

"It smells like apples and mint and pinewood and Malfoy's stupid cologne," you went on as you scrunched up your nose due to the variety of smells that continued to hit your senses.

Before they could reply, you could feel a presence behind you. You turned around, only to see Malfoy and his stupid goons. You had hated Malfoy since first year, ever since he had made fun of you and Hermione on the Hogwarts Express.

"[L/N], I find it kind of pathetic you need to impress a boy so bad that you sprayed yourself with that stinky perfume of yours ten times today. If anything, you're just making him stay away even more." Draco crossed his arms as Crabbe and Goyle started to laugh immensely.

"Oh please! I didn't even spray any perfume today. Plus, you don't have a say in this, I could smell the nasty ten pounds of cologne you put on all the way from over here!"

The arguing between you too caused people to look at the two of you, however it was nothing new. You glared at each other for a few seconds before he turned around and walked towards the Slytherin table.

"I can't stand him," you said, turning around to face your friends.

"We believe you, [Y/N]!" George said, quickly followed by a "We totally do!" from Fred as they continued to eat their dinner. What are they on about? God they're so confusing sometimes.

"I don't know why you smell Malfoy's cologne, I smell my mum's cooking. And Hermione's perfume," said Ron, before quickly adding, "But it's not bad!"

"That's weird, I smell freshly mowed grass, fresh parchment paper, and Ron's shampoo?" Hermione stated, questioning herself on the shampoo. "You?" she pointed her head towards Harry, who answered, "A treacle tart, broomsticks, and Gi- someone's perfume." He glanced over at Ron, who didn't notice the slight slip up of his little sister's name.

"Hmm.. that's weird." You all went back to eating dinner, continuing on about your day as the other houses discussed what scents had filled their lungs.


You entered the Great Hall for breakfast the next day, taking a seat next to the trio who had already arrived before you. You had been there for two minutes now, the trio still not noticing your arrival as they were in a deep gossip session.

You coughed and politely folded your hands over the table, waiting for them to notice you. As they paused their conversation and turned towards you, you offer them a warm smile.

"Oh oops, sorry [Y/N]," Ron chuckled.

"What's so interesting that you guys didn't even say hi to me?" you asked, jokingly offended.

"Well you see," Hermione leaned towards you. "The reason why we all smelt different things last night was because the twins brewed some amortentia, and set it up around the Great Hall."

"Wait isn't that the potion that-" Hermione cut you off.

"Makes you smell what you most desire? Yes it is."

"And that means I smelt Malfoy's cologne because-"
she interrupted you yet again.

"You like him? Yes it also does." She giggled at the expression your face fell into.

"And you and Ron like each other?" You point your fingers between the two, the shocked expression still on your face. "And Harry and Ginny?"

"Oi! Don't even talk about that when I'm eating [Y/N]," Ron said, disgusted at the thought of his best friend and his sister.

"But I don't even like him, if anything I hate that git," you said, angrily taking a bite of your toast.


It was now your last class of the day, and you had successfully avoided Draco in all of your shared classes. You were annoyed and confused, mainly annoyed, because you hated Draco, why would you smell him in the amortentia?

You became lost in your thoughts as the class ended and your professor dismissed you. You walked out the classroom, heading towards the courtyard to meet up with Hermione, Ron, and Harry. You barely made it five steps out when you looked up, to see Draco right in front of you.

"Hey [L/N], thought you could avoid me for the whole day?" Draco teasingly asked, a smirk evident on his face.

"Yes, actually, that was the plan. So now if you'll excuse me-" you moved to the side in attempt to walk away from him, only for Draco to move right back in front of you.

"C'mon, you can't just ignore your crush like that." Shit. He was trying hard not laugh by now, seeing you grow into embarrassment and anger.

"Shut it, Malfoy. What do you want?" You glared at him and watched him lean onto the nearby pillar, a smile forming on his face. A smile you had rarely ever seen besides the times he had gotten Harry in trouble. You felt butterflies form in your stomach, but quickly got over it as you were disgusted at the thought of Draco Malfoy giving you butterflies.

"I want..." he stared at you for a few seconds, pretending to think. You rolled your eyes at this.

"I want to bring you on a date. To Hogsmeade," he finally said. You were shocked as that was the last thing you expected to come out of his mouth. You gave him a questioning look, as he raised his eyebrows.

Before you could say anything, Draco said, "Meet me at the Slytherin common room at 8:30AM tomorrow." And with that he sent you a wink and turned around, walking away.

You still stood there in shock, holding onto your textbooks in the middle of the hallway. What the fuck just happened?

You slowly walked towards the Gryffindor common room, lost in your thoughts when the twins accompanied you, each on your side.

"Good afternoon, [Y/N]!" George exclaimed.

"Lovely weather today, isn't it?" Fred joined.

"Why are you boys bothering me?" You sighed annoyingly, however you loved them and could never actually be annoyed at them.

"Just wanted to say that we thought Malfoy looked pretty fine today."

"Yeah, so fine! Happened to smell like apples, peppermint, and pinewood as well!"

You glared at the both of them and flicked them in the ears as they laughed at you. This is going to be an interesting weekend.

author's note: I really wish I could write more but I go to a hard school and they really love to give us tons of hw :) love that for me

I might possibly write a part 2 for this, but I'm gonna be busy this next week so it might be a while :(

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