✿ secret relationship

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draco and y/n in a secret relationship


word count: 1213

You watched as Pansy started to put her hands onto Draco and get close to him. Too close. And he didn't even do anything about it.

You and Draco had been in a secret relationship for six months now. It had all started after Snape gave you detention for talking back to him after he had called you out in class, which you think he deserved.

You entered Snape's classroom, surprised to see you weren't alone, but instead you were accompanied with Draco. It started off with the two of you cleaning out the cauldrons, not speaking a word to each other. Snape had left the room as Dumbledore requested him.

"I'm bored," you complained, scrubbing the fifth cauldron of the day. Draco hadn't even replied to you nor looked up at you.

"Do you wanna ditch?" you asked. You would much rather be hanging out with your friends right now than scrubbing some nasty cauldrons.

Draco, again, hadn't replied or looked at you, causing you to huff in annoyance.

"You're so uptight Malfoy, who would've thought." Suddenly Draco had grabbed your arm, pulling you closer to him. You stared into his grey eyes as you watched his eyes flicker to your lips. You had never noticed how handsome the blonde haired boy was until this moment.

"You're very annoying, you know."

And at that, you shoved your lips onto his. Your hands found their way into his hair, his onto your waist.

After that moment, you guys had hooked up a few times throughout the few months. Those hook ups eventually led to feelings for each other and the start of your relationship.

You had both agreed on keeping it a secret, as you and Draco didn't want to create any unnecessary drama and thought that it would make it easier on the two of you. You loved the adrenaline and the risk of being in a secret relationship, but sometimes you wanted nothing more than to grab Draco's collar and kiss him in front of the Great Hall, to show everyone you were his.

You rolled your eyes as you heard Pansy ramble on to her friends about her Friday night with Draco in potions class.

"He even kicked Blaise out so we could make out. Guys, he's so good in bed!" Pansy whisper shouted, causing her friends to start shrieking and giggling. Draco just sat there silently, with his quill in his hand as he worked on his potions essay that was to be due by the end of the week.

Having enough, you slammed your potions book shut. You knew deep down it wasn't true, but the fact that Draco wouldn't even deny it bothered you. Pansy noticed this and laughed at you.

"What's wrong, [L/N]? Too sad that you couldn't get Draco and I did?" She fake pouted at you.

"Sorry, my bad Parkinson. I'm just wondering why Draco kicked Blaise out of the dorm when he wasn't even there, considering the fact that he had been with his girlfriend the whole night." You saw a worried expression flicker onto Pansy's face before she quickly hid it.

"Please, your just jealous of Draco and I's relationship. Plus, you wouldn't even know, all you do is stay in your dorm alone the whole weekend."

"Hmm you're right I wouldn't know. But I do know that every Friday for the past five weeks you've been showing up at Draco's dorm at 9pm, when you beg to talk to him but then he tells you he's busy. You would've thought you'd get the hint by now."

Pansy stuttered, not knowing what to say.

"Yeah that's what I thought," you said, grinning to yourself.

After class had ended, you walked out of the classroom and headed towards the Great Hall for lunch. You felt someone grab at your arm, pulling you into a storage closet. You look up and barely make out the face in front of you.

"Draco?" You asked, eyes squinting in attempt to see the face better. Your question was answered by the smell of his cologne filling up your lungs. "What is it?"

"I thought we agreed on keeping us a secret?" He asked teasingly, crossing his arms in front of you.

You stared at him until you finally said, "But do you know how frustrating it is to hear some girl talk about how good your boyfriend is in bed when I don't even get to talk about you like that? I'm not sorry about it, someone needed to shut her up."

Draco chuckled, "I'm not gonna lie, it was hot how defensive you got over me. You know I love you and only you, right?"

You froze upon hearing those three words, as it was his first time ever saying it. Your heart felt overwhelmed with warmth and your stomach with butterflies as you replayed his last sentence in your head. You immediately knew you loved him back, however.

"Yes Dray, and I love you too," you looked into his grey eyes before pulling him into a sweet, long kiss.

"I'm sorry, I'll be more careful next time," you said, playing with the hems of your sleeves.

"No need for that," Draco quickly said as you looked at him in confusion. Next thing you know, he was pulling you out of the closet, his hands laced with yours.

"Draco? What're you doing?" You asked as he pulled you towards the Great Hall. He kept his fingers intertwined with yours as he sat at his normal seat at the Slytherin table, sitting you beside him and ignoring all the weird stares being thrown your way.

"Guys, this is my girlfriend [Y/N]. And before you guys say anything I would like to remind you that I actually don't give a flying fuck about what you have to say so it'd be better if you just kept your mouth shut." You giggled at his statement.

You noticed Pansy glaring at you as you grabbed a plate and started to fill it with food. "Hey Parkinson, nice talk we had earlier, don't you think?"

You smirked when she only responded with a scoff as her face turned red and she hurriedly went back to eating her food.


It was now after dinner and you were at the astronomy tower, sat next to Draco. Dinner wasn't so bad as you talked to Blaise Zabini and Daphne Greengrass - already knowing Blaise, as Draco constantly kicked him out of the shared dorm for you, and instantly getting along with Daphne.

Your head was on Draco's shoulder as he stared out into the stars. You lifted your head up slightly, "Draco, why'd you tell them we're dating? What are they gonna say? What's your dad gonna say?" Your words grew quieter towards the end, nervous at the thought about Lucius Malfoy.

He pulled you in closer with his arm and you watched as he brought his head down to look you in the eyes.

"I told you, I love you. No one, not Pansy, not even my dad, will ever stop me from loving you. I would never let anything happen to us." He leant down and connected your lips together.

"I love you too, Draco," you mumbled into the kiss.

author's note: not me complaining abt how bad my writing is again lol oops

also I couldn't think of a title but I wanted to get it posted so dhdhdhdh

i wish I could post more frequently but school has been kicking my ass lately which is also why my writing is sucky :))

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