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"Time you enjoy wasting was not wasted."

- Unknown


 Hi, everyone! As mentioned yesterday I am back on the same topic. Another fact about modern society or today's youth is that they all have really short attention spans. When there are so many things to look at, so many options are available, so much is going on around us it's easy to get overwhelmed, leading to a need to be distracted and wasting time on something we shouldn't be doing as a consequence. Can we really blame ourselves? If we feel that the activity, which took our time was more fulfilling to us than anything else we've done so far perhaps, no - we shouldn't feel guilty or ashamed for doing something that brought us joy. Don't hesitate to do more of what makes you happy and let it occupy your schedule.

Can you relate to any of the writtten above? Do you struggle with time? I sure do and it fills me with guilt and regret, but nothing is just black and white. There are those few moments that we all truly relish. So just keep looking forward to those!

– Rachel Archer

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