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Haha! What sup? How have u been
Just smiling to hide ma real pain
People keep saying they are feeling pain
I guess there is nothing but nothing in my brain
2 years ago I was a kid with a future
I had a dream to be a great creator
But now all my dream, gone like an elevator
I had some dreams and future but now I'm just an empty bottle
Nah I am not just an empty bottle
There is something in me that's called a battle
Remember, in darkness and light
I said I am having an inner fight
Well this time it's hope
Going against me something that always says "Nope,
You will never be great" shouting it out
I think you would know it by it real name doubt
Man it's really weird
my head feels like an action field
Why is there always a battle oh God
Why do I feel like a numb rod

You might say "what are you saying, dude?"
Well, take a look at what I'm going through
In the midst of my war
Hope comes to me start to roar
Picks me up and start to say like
"You will be fine dude even if you lack,
It's gonna workout weather it looks wack"
Inspired by this I get up to pick
But that voice comes in saying "u are weak"
Shouting it out loud trying to get my intention
Telling me that I will never reach my true passion
Well after that u guessed it all right
Yeah doubt is in me, it's king of my heart
Then it bosses around, turning down the light
Before I ever knew it I just lost my right
Just became a slave, serving my doubt's might 

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